quiz 2 ch 5 Flashcards
large scale weather variation
small scale weather variation measured over short time period
types of microclimates
altitude = elevation.
aspect = position on compass.
vegetation = shading.
ground color = dark color absorb more visible light.
boulders/burrows = shaded cooler environments.
aquatic temperature affected by
specific heat capacity. latent heat of vaporization. latent heat of fusion. oceans enormous volume cause constant temp. smaller reservoir change temp faster.
specific heat capacity of water
extremely high compared to other substance
latent heat of vaporization
energy needed to turn liquid water into vapor. don’t need to evaporate much water to cool a lot of matter
latent heat of fusion
energy to freeze liquid water
ocean temp due to volume
enormous volume cause constant temp
case study: optimal photosynthetic temp
see if boreal moss & desert shrub clones acclimated into cool or hot environments
case study: optimal photosynthetic temp
shrubs acclimated into both environments
psychrophilic microbes
cold loving; usually found in Antarctica
thermophilic microbes
hot loving bacteria
ex: Taq
natural body temperature regulators
organism that cannot regulate their body temp; done by behaviors like burrowing or basking
constant body temp regardless of environmental temp
mechanisms to regulate body temp
rely on external energy sources
rely of metabolic energy
temp regulation of desert plants
to reduce heat storage.
heat loss by conduction.
increase convection cooling.
reduce radiative heating
temp regulation of arctic and alpine plants
to stay warm.
increase radiative heating.
decrease convective cooling.
temp regulation of tropic-alpine plants
stay warm by
rosette plants keep dead leaves to insulate and protect stem from freezing.
thick pubescence increase leaf temp.
ectothermic animals
rely on other resources for temp regulation
temp regulation of Liolaemus lizards
thrive in cool environments like:
dark pigments
sun basking
temp regulation of grasshoppers
pigmentation varies on amount of radiative heat
endothermic animals
rely on metabolism for temp regulation
thermal neutral zone
environmental temp range that does not change the metabolic rate of homeothermic animals.
varies from animal to animal
when temp is outside of thermal neutral zone
animals have heat stress and die of extended exposure
thermal neutral zone for tropical spp. v. arctic spp.
tropical spp.- narrow range in temp compared to arctic which have a broad range
how do aquatic bird mammals regulate their temp
they’re endothermic that are air breathers and insulated
temp regulation for large marine fish (mackerel, sharks, and tuna)
swimming muscles keep body temp above surrounding water due to blood vessels and countercurrent heat-exchange
*countercurrent heat - exchange
heat transfer btwn fluids flowing in opposite directions moving heat from hot to cold areas
temp regulation from endothermic bumblebees
maintain temp btwn 30-37 degrees Celsius regardless of air temp
temp regulation from endothermic sphinx moths
thermoregulate by transferring heat from thorax to abdomen
temp regulation from family Araceae (elephant ears, skunk cabbage)
metabolic energy
how do skunk cabbage generate heat
translocating starch stored in roots to inflorescence so it can be metabolized
almost all plants are
poikilothermic ectotherms
how to survive extreme temperatures
inactivity and reducing metabolic rates
how hummingbirds reduce metabolic rate when food is scarce and night temp is extreme
reduce metabolic rate in the winter with extreme cold
protection from high temps and droughts in the summer