Quiz 2 vocabulary Flashcards
Cells with cytoplasmic granules that stain readily with acid dyes. Acidophils of the anterior pituitary gland secrete prolactin and growth hormone.
a substance that can bind to a receptor and act like a native substance resulting in the normal physiologic response
A communication between two hollow parts, organs or vessels, that are normally separate.
a substance that inhibits the normal action of a hormone or native substance.
Hormones with masculinizing properties.
Autocrine communication
When a hormone stimulates the same cell from which it is secreted
A group of cells containing granules which stain readily with basic dyes. Basophils of the anterior pituitary gland secrete follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
Qualitative or quantitative determination of a substance using living biological material, e.g. rats, mice
Failure of the mammalian testes to descent into the scrotum
Down regulation
decrease in the number of receptors on a target tissue.
The study of the actions and interactions of the secretions of the endocrine glands
Endocrine secretion
Secretion of a hormone from an endocrine gland which is transported in the blood to a target organ
Endocrine gland
A gland that secretes its product directly into the blood instead into ducts
That which originates within the body.
A protein capable of accelerating some biochemical change in its substrate for which it is usually specific. Enzyme names normally end in “ase (e.g. adenylate cyclase or lipase).
Hormones that promote estrus and stimulate secondary sexual characteristics in females
Exocrine secretion
Secretion of a product into a duct
That which is introduced into the body from outside