Quiz #1 study guide lecture1-3 Flashcards
List three situations in which a human-animal relationship may be perceived as stronger or more important than usual
Owners believe they rescued companion from death/near death
Owners believe their companion animal got them through a difficult period in life
Owners spent their childhood with companion animal
What is grief?
• Mental anguish after loss of an object of attachment
What are the 5 stages of grief?
Denial, bargaining, anger, depression, resolution
What does euthanasia mean (literally)?
the act of inducing painless death
What is a barbiturate?
ultra-short-acting anesthesia
When it comes to questioning clients, what kind of questions should we ask? What kinds of things should we avoid?
Ask open-ended questions (don’t show biases or beliefs)
Avoid being judgmental or the care & management of pet and avoid complex medical terminology
What is included in the signalment?
Age, breed, sex & reproductive status
What is the presenting complaint?
The most important information addressed in the medical history (discuss each complaint separately)
How do we prevent overlooking an important physical exam finding?
Following a consistent routine, perform an evaluation of every system
What is mentation?
Assessed subjectively during visual observation of the patient and may be described as bright and alert, quiet, dull or obtunded (not interested in surroundings)
What is ataxia?
a term used to describe uncoordinated muscle movements when walking
What is included in TPR?
Temperature, pulse, respiration
What is the normal temperature range for dogs and cats?
How do we calculate a resting respiratory rate?
Number of breaths per 15 seconds x 4= RR OR breaths per 10 seconds x6
Which vessel is usually used to palpate pulses?
femoral artery