Musculoskeletal Flashcards
What are the different types of osteoarthritis? Which is most common?
- Degenerative joint disease (DJD): Most common
- Immune mediated arthritis
- Infectious arthritis
What are clinical signs of osteoarthritis?
• Stiffness of any limb or joint, reluctance to go up stairs or jump, lethargy, inappropriate elimination, pain, irritability, lameness
What are some treatment modalities/recommendations for osteoarthritis?
• NSAIDs, Nutraceuticals & chondroprotectives, opiods, weight reduction, environment & exercise modifications, surgery, alt. therapies
Who gets hip dysplasia?
Medium to large breed dogs
What are common etiologies of hip dysplasia?
• Diet/growth rate (high energy intake/high calcium), genetics, early spay/neuter
How is hip dysplasia diagnosed?
• Pelvic radiographs under anesthesia, PennHip, OFA
What are some differences between PennHip vs OFA?
PennHip: Objective, can be done at 4 mo., requires special training & equipment, more expensive.;
OFA: 2 yrs for final evaluation, subjective opinions by radiologists
What are treatment options for young dogs with no evidence of DJD? What are surgical options for mature dogs with hip dysplasia?
- Triple Pelvic Osteotomy (TPO)
* Total hip replacement
What is the etiology behind cruciate tears? How is it diagnosed?
- Large dog breeds, trauma (usually running), Obesity, genetics
- Positive drawer test, cranial drawer movement, positive tibial thrust, radiographs
What are different surgical options for cruciate tears?
Extra-articular stabilization- animals <35lbs, heavy suture sewn in figure 8 pattern to stabilize joint;
Intra-articular stabilization- Tibial Plateau Leveling Ostestomy(TPLO) dogs >50lbs, tibial tuberosity advancement, larger breed dogs
Who commonly gets patellar luxations? What are some clinical signs?
- Miniature/toy breeds
* Lameness, pain, skipping gait, holding leg up
What are some things clients should know if they have a dog with patellar luxation?
• Often progressive, restricted activity post-op, physical therapy, NSAIDs/nutraceuticals, weight control, DO NOT BREED
Describe: open vs closed fracture, green-stick fracture, comminuted fracture, Salter-Harris fracture, and avulsion fracture.
- Open: Break in the skin over the fracture (compound)
- Closed: No break in the skin
- Green-stick: One side of the bone is broken and the other side is bent; young, growing animals
- Comminuted: Multiple fracture lines meet a common point
- Salter-Harris (Type 1-5): through growth plate
- Avulsion: Fracture at the attachment of a tendon, ligament, or muscle
What is the role of the RVT when it comes to patients presenting with possible fractures?
Vitals, Shock, Hemorrhage, Soft tissue injury, Fractures, Internal injury
What do we use Robert Jones bandages for?
• May want to place support bandage (Robert Jones) to protect the area of suspected fracture prior to moving/radiographing -robert jones for fractures distal to elbow or stifle