questionnaires Flashcards
questionaire basic AO1
Questionnaire are a method of self-report where someone answers questions about themselves and
their opinions.
* Questionnaires are a non-experimental method, where you do not need an IV or DV (but you can have
* Questionnaires can be used alongside other methods, for example, an experiment may use a questionnaire as a method.
* Questionnaires can be given to a large amount of people which are referred to as a survey.
* There are two types of questions that can be asked on a questionnaire: open and closed.
closed question
Participants are given a forced choice answer of a limited number of responses (participants
must choose one).
* Closed questions collect quantitative data.
* Numerical (Likert) response scale,
open question
- Allows participants to expand on their view points – written or verbal.
- Participants are asked to expand on their answers e.g., Explain how? Explain why?
- Participants are free to give any response.
- Collects qualitative data.