Quantification & Costing (Level 1/2/3) Flashcards
Why do quantities need to be measured in a uniform way?
Compliance with regulatory requirements
What are the different method of measurement?
Standard Method of Measurement (SMM)
New Rules of Measurement (NRM)
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM)
Can tell me what is your understanding of RICS code of Measuring Practice?
Provides guidance and standards for the measurement of buildings and land, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and transparency in measurement practices within the property and construction industry.
When would the RICS code of Measuring Practice be used in your day-to-day employment?
When quantifying materials for new orders on construction projects, for example measuring the amount of fill required for trenches.
GEA, GIA and NIA how are they each measured?
GEA (Gross External Area) - area of a building measured externally at each floor level
GIA (Gross Internal Area) - area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level
NIA (Net Internal Area) - usable area within a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level
Which method of measurement would you consider is the most appropriate for measuring civil engineering works?
CESMM (Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement)
CESMM provides detailed rules and guidelines for measurement of civil engineering projects
Why was NRM introduced?
Replaced SMM7 and introduced to provide a common and consistent basis for the production of cost plans to ensure greater confidence
RICS Measurement Documents?
NRM 1 - Order of cost estimating and planning
NRM 2 - Detailed measurement for building works
NRM3 - Life Cycle Costing
ICMS - Sets out the measurement hierarchy
How do British Standards affect the measurement of construction works?
They provide standardisation of:
- Measurement methods
- Measurement units, terminology
- Quality assurance/ compliance
How do the Building Regulations affect the measurement of construction works?
Building regulations affect measurement of construction works in several ways:
- Space requirements
- Accessibility and inclusivity
- Structural stability
- Fire safety
What is your understanding of the shorter schedule of cost components?
It is a shorter version of the Schedule of Cost Components (SCC) which is used in options A and B and only to assess compensation events.
How do you cost works?
When required to cost works, whether that’s a CE or for the FTC, I use a variety of methods:
- Historic Prices
- Subcontract Prices
- In house cost databases
- Price books (CECA)
Prupose of a BoQ?
Provides an accurate picture of the scope of works
Provides a common/consistent ground for pricing
Enables easy/accurate tender comparison
Enables contract works to be valued and interim payments to be made
Example of a BoQ I have prepared?
Oswestry WTW - Surfacing package
I met with design team to ensure all information was available
Worked with the engineers to understand required quantities
Produced a BoQ based off Design and Required quantities
What is Value Engineering?
What is Value Management?
VE - Identifying areas where cost savings can be made, without compromising on the overall quality
VM - Similar to VE, however in the pre-construction therefore aims at reducing the need for VE
What is classed as Prelims?
Site Set Up
Management & Supervision
Task Lighting
Protection & Temporary Barriers
How did you determine appropriate daywork rates for inclusion in the sub-contracts you have procured?
When procuring Subcontractor packages, I ask them to complete Contract Data Pt 2 and provide a Schedule of rates. I check each rate is inline with the industry benchmarks
Oswestry WTW Project - What method of measurement did you use in compiling the bill of quantities?
I used CESMM, and accounted for:
- Subbase
- Base Course
- Binder Course
- Surface Course
- Wearing Course
Oswestry WTW Project - Why did you use a bill of quantities (Option B)?
Quantities were hard to define
Allowed for greater flexibility
Enabled less risk to be built into the price
Agreed set of rates, less chance of disputes
Satisfied both parties
Oswestry WTW Project - How did you deal with the sub-contractor prelims in the pricing document?
The Subcontractor provided a weekly prelim rate, which was paid in accordance with their programme
Can you provide an example of costing of works using quotations or day works?
I have costed a CE to the client which included a Subcontractor quotation and the relevant subcontractor fee percentage
Oswestry Project - Can you give an example of disallowed cost that you have agreed with the Employer?
Within our Contracts, there is amendments to the standard NEC3 which states the following are Disallowed Costs:
- Admin Personnel (HR, Directors, Accounts, etc)
- Hand tools (Drills/Saws/etc)
Oswestry Project - Can you give an example of disallowed cost that you have not agreed with the Employer and how you resolved the difference?
Yes, one example was:
Under the NEC, a Cost can be disallowed because the Contractor did not follow a procurement procedure.
We are required to submit the name of each proposed Subcontractor to the Client for acceptance under Clause 26.
The Client disallowed costs of a subcontractor one month, stating the name had not been submitted for acceptance.
However, this was a misunderstanding, as I didn’t have CEMAR access to begin with, the name was submitted via email to the Employer, accepted, but not followed up on CEMAR.
I resolved it, by providing the evidence and uploading it to CEMAR. The cost was then allowed
Flying Start Project - What did you do if the sub-contractor was not available for the site walk?
Each month I provided a number of days and times, therefore it was very rare for a subcontractor not to be available for a site walk.
On the rare occasion they weren’t, I ensured I took photo evidence to support my assessment
How does the sub-contracts being lump sum minimise any confusion and disputes relating to what was due for payment?
Because an activity can only be paid once complete, there is no mechanism for part payment under the NEC. As such, following a site visit, we can discuss the works in conjunction with the activity schedule and agree what items have been completed.
Can you provide an example of selecting appropriate pricing documents?
Oswestry - Surfacing - BOQ over Activity Schedule:
- Quantities were hard to define
- Allowed for greater flexibility
- Enabled less risk to be built into the price
- Agreed set of rates, less chance of disputes
- Satisfied both parties
What is IPMS?
International Property Measurement Standards
Sets outdefinitions of measurement and the principles of what should or shouldn’t be included within a measure
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