In the Zhou Dynasty, specific gov’t depts. were created and given responsibility for?
- Production, Inventory, and Product Distribution
- Production and Manufacturing
- Formulating and executing quality standards
- Supervision and Inspection
What was behind the success of the Pyramids?
- Good Design
- Consistent use of well-developed building methods and procedures
- Precise measuring devices
Who served both as the manufacturer and inspector in Europe during the 5th-15th century?
What did craft guilds consist of? (MJA)
Masters, Journeymen, and Apprentices
In the mid-18th century, who was the French gunsmith developed a system for manufacturing muskets to a standard pattern?
Who brought the idea to USA?
Honore Blanc; Thomas Jefferson
Introduced the principles of Scientific Management and what year was it introduced?
Frederick W. Taylor; 1910
______________ - Task of Planning
Managers and Engineers
Supervisors and Workers - Task of ______________
Task of Execution
__________ - Inspectors
Quality Assurance
What was the primary means of Quality Control in the second industrial revolution?
Employing 100’s to 1000’s of inspectors
Developed the Total Quality Practices
Henry Ford, Sr.
In 1920, he ushered in the era of Statistical Quality Control and the use of Control Charts;
Walter Shewhard/ Shewhart
Who introduced SQC techniques to the Japanese?
Joseph Juran and Dr. W. Edwards Deming
The culture of continuous improvement is also known as _____
This was instituted in 1951 by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers to reward individuals and organizations who meet stringent criteria for quality management practice:
Deming Prize