Qualitative Primary Methods: Unstructured Interviews - Strengths and Weaknesses Flashcards
Why is being able to build up trust with the participant a strength? Is it P, E or T?
It is a Theoretical Strength
Why are Unstructured Interviews being time consuming a weakness? Is it P, E, or T?
Because it will take longer to complete the research. It is a Practical Weakness
Why is Verstehen a strength? Is it P, E, or T?
It allows researchers to gain a view into the world from the participants’ perspective. It is a Theoretical Strength
How are Unstructured Interviews Valid? Is it P, E, or T?
Because the interviews are participant-led, they can give new insights. It is a Theoretical Strength
How is difficulty to generalise a weakness? Is it P, E, or T?
It means that the results from the participants might not mirror the wider community. It is a Theoretical Weakness
How is cost a weakness in unstructured interviews? Is it P, E, or T?
Because interviewers will need to be trained in how to handle the questions. It is a Practical Weakness
How is the fact the data gathered being Qualitative a strength? Is it P, E, or T?
It means the data gathered is more valids. It is a Theoretical Strength
Why is no protection from emotional harm a weakness? Is it P, E, or T?
Because the interviews can be sensitive. It is an Ethical Weakness
How is low reliability in the interviews a weakness? Is it P, E, or T?
Interview questions will not end up being the same for each participant. It is a Theoretical Weakness
Why are unstructured interviews being flexible a strength? Is it P, E, or T?
It means the interviewer is not restricted by questions. It is a Theoretical Strength
Why are unstructured interviews suited to sensitive topics and how is this a strength? Is it P, E, or T?
As the interviews are in a conversational style, the interviewer is able to touch on sensitive issues carefully. It is an Ethical Strength
Why is being able to clarify a participants answer a strength? Is it P, E, or T?
Because the interviewer will be able to more efficiently understand a participant. It is a Theoretical Strength
Why is researcher bias a weakness? Is it P, E, or T?
The interviewer or researcher might influence the answers given by the participant. It is a Theoretical Weakness
Why is selectiveness bias in what researchers publish a weakness in unstructured interview? Is it P, E, or T?
Because the researcher may publish more parts of their research that they personally preferred. It is a Theoretical Weakness
Why are unstructured interviews suited to individuals suspicious of outsiders?I s it P, E, or T?
Due to the informal style of the interview, outsiders may feel more comfortable talking. It is a Practical Strength
Why could the social profile of the researcher be a weakness? Is it P, E, or T?
It might make the researcher unable to build an informal conversation with participants. It is a Practical Weakness
Why is the social profile of the researcher a strength? Is it P, E, or T?
It is a Practical Strength
Why is recording the data a weakness for unstructured interviews? Is it P, E, or T?
Because there are no pre-coded questions it makes it difficult to turn the interview data into graphs to be interpreted. It is a Practical Weakness