(Q2) Eye Flashcards
Underlying Structures of the Eye
oculus (eyeball)
-margins of eye socket
-connective tissue inside of eyelids
Oculus (eyeball)
Spherical organ used for sight
90% of the “sphere” is internal
10% of the “sphere” is responsible
for surface form
“bulging” eyes
Margins of the Eye
Supraorbital area
Side of nose
Tarsus (pl. tarsi)
Connective tissue within the eyelids
Provides support and contributes
largely to surface form
Projections and curvature
Supraorbital area most anterior (eyebrow area)
Cheek area second most anterior
Anterior edge of eye/eyelid is slightly posterior to oblique plane from supraorbital area to cheek
Medial corner of eye
Medial corner of eye is more anterior than lateral corner of eye
Palpebrae (eyelids)
-superior palpebra
-inferior palpebra
Superior palpebra is three times
larger than the inferior
Line of Eye Closure
- Created when the two palpebrae are closed
- Line of closure is a subtle dipping curve with curving projection
- Lateral end is slightly more posterior
- At the line of closure, the upper eyelid protrudes slightly more anterior than the lower eyelid
Superior margin of the eye socket
Supra orbital area
Bony protrusion created by the frontal bone (where your eyebrows sit)
Most anterior of eye margins
supra = above
orbital = eye
Naso-orbital fossa
naso = nose
orbital = eye
fossa = depression (ditch)
Depression at the superior, medial corner of each eye
Inner canthus
Most medial edge of the line of eye closure
Small elevation over the tear duct
Orbital pouch
“Puffy” tissue just inferior to the
inferior palpebra
“Bags” under the eyes
An acquired facial marking
eyebrow hair
The eyebrow consists of three parts
-head - most medial
-body - intermediate to head & tail
-tail - most lateral
Position of the eyebrow
Medial margin - vertical line from
the wing of the nose
Lateral margin - oblique line from
wing of nose through lateral corner
of eye
Cilia on upper lid are longer
Cilia on lower lid are shorter and more sparse
When eyelids meet the cilia do not interlace
Curvature of the eye causes the cilia to fan out
Hairs are irregular in length and spacing
Usually no hairs appear in extreme medial or lateral corners
Cilia of superior palpebra curl upward
Cilia of inferior palpebra curl downward
Superior palpebral sulcus
Facial markings of the eye
Inferior palpebral sulcus
Facial markings of the eye
Optic facial sulci
Facial markings of the eye
Oblique palpebral sulcus
Facial markings of the eye
Common transverse sulcus
Facial markings of the eye
Linear sulci
Facial markings of the eye