(Q2) Ear Flashcards
The external form of the ear
- Pinna=Ear
- Latin means “Feather, wing, fin”
- The external form of the ear structure is created by cartilage and adipose tissue
- no bones in the external ear; ear bones are in the internal ear
The outer rim of the ear
- Helix = spiral
- Most superior and posterior margin of ear
- Begins in the concha, ascends and curves around the superior margin of the ear
- Extends inferiorly to end at the superior portion of the lobe
- Long, narrow projection (ridge)
- “anti” helix: opposite in position from helix
Long, narrow depression
Intermediate to the helix and antihelix
scapha = boat
Shallowest depression in the ear
- The bifurcation of the superior
margin of the antihelix - Crura = legs; The antihelix ascends and “splits” into two “legs”
- There is a superior and anterior branch
Triangular fossa
A depression between the two “legs”
of the crura
2nd deepest depression in the ear
Small, wedge-like prominence
Protrudes from cheek
Protects earpassage
helps in echolocation
Small eminence
Opposite in position to the tragus
Intertragic notch
“U” shaped opening
Intermediate to the tragus and
Begins at the superior portion of the ear lobe
crus = leg (singular form of crura)
A.K.A. The Crus of the Helix
Portion of the helix that descends
inferiorly into the depth of the ear
This is the beginning of the helix
Where does the Helix Begin and End?
Crus»_space; Helix»_space; Lobe
Tracing the form of the helix, It begins at the crus
The helix ascends superiorly around the top margin, creating a spiral
Ends at the superior margin of the lobe
- Soft, fleshy portion of the inferior
margin of the ear - May be attached or detached
conch = shell
Large, concavity in the central part of the ear
Deepest depression
External Auditory Meatus
Passageway into the internal ear
A.K.A. Ear Canal
External = outside
Auditory = sound (audio)
Meatus = passageway
Width of Entire Ear
Width of the ear is 2/3 the length of the ear
Thirds of the Ear
Cura & Helix (Superior Part) creates superior 1/3
Concha creates middle 1/3
Lobe creates inferior 1/3
Halves of the Ear
Crus creates the halfway mark of the ear from
superior to inferior
Superior Margin of the Ear: Ear Position and Placement
Superior margin of ear is at same level as eyebrow
Inferior Margin of the Ear: Ear Position and Placement
Inferior margin of ear is at same level as base of nose
Angle of the Ear: Ear Position and Placement
Angle of the ear is similar to angle of the nose
Zygomatic Arches: Ear Position and Placement
Zygomatic arch is at vertical halfway mark of ear
External auditory meatus is immediately inferior to zygomatic arch