Q-J v. Legis refreshed Flashcards
How appeal a Legis act? How?
Circuit, de novo dec action.
If CP - Local Process option.
How appeal a Q-J act? How?
Circuit, writ of cert
Legislative Review, B of P
BoP: Owner to show LG act is arbitrary + capricious
Loses if:
1) LG act fairly debatable or
2) Rationally related to a legit public purpose.
Type: De novo dec hearing
For: Injunctive or declaratory relief
Q-J Review, B of P
Q-J ----------- Writ of Cert. Ct looks for 1. Pro [SCONE], 2. Correct, & 3. Comp Subst.
What are some categories of legislative acts?
LEGIS ----------- CP + amends Small Scale amendments Initial zoning Re-zoning if impacts large OR requires change in CP
What are 6 categories of Q-J acts?
1) Zoning; Overlay Zoning; Re-Z if impacts small
2) Annexations
3) Special exceptions, permits, variances, vested rts hrg,
4) Code enforcement
5) Subdivision plats
6) Business licenses
What procedural due process is required for a Legislative hearing?
LEGIS ----------- Legis says "NO!" ----------- Notice of Hearing Opportunity to be heard.
State the 5 items of Procedural Due Process that must be met in QJ?
Is it the same for Spec Mag?
Q wants a SCONE.
1) Submit evidence.
2) Cross examine,
3) Opportunity to be heard.
4) Notice of hearing.
5) no Ex parte.
MAG Visits wants Drop of Tea w/ his SCONE.
1) site Visits
2) Discovery, Depos.
3) Testimony, subpoenas
Standard - Legislative
Fairly debatable w/ rational relatnshp to pub purp.
Valid and not disturbed unless clearly arbitrarily and unreasonably applied to a property
Quasi-Judicial - Dfn.
LG investigates facts, holds hearings, weighs evidence, draws conclusions from them as a basis for its decision and exercise of discretion.
What significant change did Fassano (Oregon, 1985) bring?
LEGIS/Q-J ----------- Broke out legislative & quasi. 1. Comp. Plan - Legislative. 2. Zoning - Quasi-Judicial. Because it implements.
When is Re-Zoning Legislative?
- Affects a large portion of the public
OR - Affects a small portion of the public but requires a CP amendment.
When is ex parte permissible?
A. Legislative, can talk to everybody.
B. Quasi-Judicial.
- Presumptively prejudicial.
- Decision may be overturned.
- Disclose at beginning of hearing; make ltr avail for public; enter into record.
- F.S. 286.0115 allows ex parte meetings if adopted by ordinance or resolution
Who can cross examine in a Legis hearing?
No one. Never.
Are cross examinations permitted in a Quasi-Judicial hearing?
Parties - yes; Participants - no.
- Allowed for Parties thru PO who asks if there are any questions and ensures they are answered before they are done.
- Participants are not allowed. Difficult to make distinction between participant and party.
Dfn. Competent substantial evidence.
• Sufficiently relevant and material
• Such that a reasonable mind would accept it
• As adequate to support the conclusion reached.
Exs of Comp Subst. Evid.
Q-J ----------- Examples: 1. Expert. 2. Professional staff. 3. Fact based (non-technical) testimony of neighbor and lay people if has 1st hand knowledge (road there for 20 yrs). 4. Note - attorney testimony is not.
What are 2 surprising items deemed a Legislative decisions?
1) Developer agreements.
2) Decision to amend or not amend the CP.
LEGIS ------------------------ Sum up 4 keys of legislative acts. 1) Who impacts. 2) Pro Due Process. 3) Method of appeal. 4) Court standard of review. 5) Quirky process in court.
1) Effects large or small w/ CP amend.
2) Notice & opp to be heard.
3) De novo dec OR local process (CP)
4) Arb & capricious vs. Fairly debatable & pub purp.
5) Follow appellate rules.
What’s the funny things about QJ & Legis process in Court?
QJ: Appellate rules govern (appeal briefs, etc.)
Legis: Summary procedure avail.
Q-J ----------- Sum up 5 keys of Q-J. 1) What show before Bd. 2) Pro Due Process. 3) Method of appeal. 4) Court +what it looks for. 5) Funny thing about QJ treatment in Ct.
A) O: Code compliant. LG: Not or pub purp.
B) SCONE, Sub evid, Cross ex, Opp, heard, Notice, Ex parte
C) Appeal: Writ, 30 days
D) Circuit: Comp subst, Pro (dp) + Correct law,
E) Appellate rules of procedure.
Sum up an additional theory & what you would file to pursue?
Add 3 BEADs Every Fri.
1983 Bh Equally 1st Amend Dp Exact Fluedra
1) DP. (a) Proc, (b) Subst, (c) Taking.
2) Eq Pro – 14th Amend. – suspect class.
3) 1st Amend w/ door opener 14th Amend. – signs.
4) 42 USC 1983
* (a) dep, (b) color, (c) cz inj, (d) not imm, (3) more nom.
* Q. Imm. (1) w/i scope, (2) not viol clrly estab. law.
5) 96 Telecm Act – placemt but no discrim or prohib
6) Comp. Planning Ch. 163.
7) Rt to Farm. bmp. Non-resid exempt code or fee.
8) Preemptions. vacation rentals.
9) BH. VIC unfair Perm Direc FIB (not inv back)
10) Exactions. Nexus, exempt: non-AV, impact fees,
11) FLUEDRA. Unfair, standing, mechanics.
What’s an alternative path?
- if requested, LG must provide.
When do you file de novo dec?
Basically anything involving the CP + constitutional claims.
Legis de novo dec:
Action taken affects large amt or small w/ CP amend.