Non-Charters Generally Flashcards
What sets forth N-C powers?
What implements them?
Art. 8, Sect. 1(f)
125.01(1) - HR
How are N-Cs created?
Required to be created by legislation.
What powers do N-Cs have?
[Non-Cs are low & forced to take ‘as is.’]
All powers of self govt.
• AS IS PROVIDED by gen law or spec law (b/c created by legis).
Powers of N-Cs are instilled by __________.
Constitution, Art. 8, Sec 1(f) “as is provided.”
So it gets what is given by legislature.
Subject to:
A. Cons.
B. Gen & spec. laws.
When wondering if N-C has power, do you look for a limitation? Or look for an enumerated power?
Limitation. Assume can.
How are N-C pwrs construed?
What are 3 limits on N-C powers?
NON-CHARTERS ----------- (like charters) 1. Expressly preempted or 2. Impliedly preempted by assignment (DOT) or 3. Pervasive regulation
How are N-C powers vulnerable?
(like Munis)
Legis gave all powers (125-HR) & Legis can diminish by gen or spec law WITHOUT voter approval.
Name 3 ways N-Cs differ from Charters?
- Can be diminished by special act.
- Different recall provisions due to malfeasance in office.
- Due to Const amend eff 1/5/2021 (but applied to 2020 election), elections are the sole way to get const officers (Sheriff, Tax Coll, Prop Apprsr, Sup Elect, Clerk of Ct)
Can Non-Cs preempt over Munis?
No. Cannot preempt munis.
N-C Ordinance will not be effective in muni to extent of conflict.
If N-C acts where it is preempted, what is result?
Act is invalid.
Subject to Attys Fees ( FS 57.112)
State the powers of Charters, Non-Charters, & Munis.
(1) Charter - self govt, NOT INCONST. [c’H” close to ‘I’]
(2) N-C - self gvt, AS IS PROVIDED. [low take ‘as is’]
(3) Muni - corp, prop, govtl, for govt, functs, & services, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE provided. [mEXi muni]
What constitutional provision empowers N-Cs? What 2 things does it provide?
Art. 8, Sec. 1(f).
1) Pass ordinances not inconsistent w/ gen. law.
2) Pwrs of self-govt, as is provided by gen. or spec. law.
What kind of ordinances may Non-Charters pass?
Not inconsistent w/ gen law.
per Art. 8, Sec. 1(f), also giving pwrs of self govt as is provided by gen. or spec. law.
~confirmed Art. 8, Sec. 1(f). as is provided + not inconsistent ordinances.
Where does taxing pwr of all LGs come from?
Art. 7, Sec. 9(a):
- Counties, school districts, and munis shall
- Special districts may
- Be authorized by law to levy AV taxes &
- Other taxes authorized by gen. law
- Except AV on intang pers prop & taxes prohibited by this constitution.
What 2 taxes can LGs never impose?
- AV taxes on intangible personal property.
- Any taxes prohibited by Constitution.
Does N-Cs have HR to impose taxes & spec assessments?
NON-CHARTERS ----------- No! --- Taxing pwr is derived from Art 7 [cc, nc, muni shall + S.D. may impose]. It is NOT implemented by 125. --- Art 8 [as is provided] is implemented by 125. --- Since taxing comes from Art 7 not implemented by 125, N-C has no HR pwr to levy taxes/assessments. ~AGO 92-11. ----------- ~confirmed. AGO 92-11
What constitutional pwr is implemented by HR?
NON-CHARTERS ----------- Art. 8, Sec. 1(f) "as is" = 125. --- Art. 7, taxing is not 125.
What is the importance of Art 7 not being implements by 125?
Taxing is not found in HR pwrs.
Are special assessments considered taxes?
They are a peculiar type of tax.
What authority gives special assessment power?
Taxing! Special assessments are levied under taxing power and considered a peculiar species of taxation.
~AGO 86-32
Under what 6 conditions may spec assessments be collected via UMC under FS 197?
1) LG has K w/ prop app for his admin costs.
2) Resolution authorizing method adopted @ PH.
3) Os noticed.
4) PA lists on roll.
5) $ amt is included in notice of prop taxes.
6) $ amt is included in tax notice.
~FS 197.322
What are 4 practical effects of using 197 for spec assessment collection?
NON-CHARTERS ----------- 1) Early pay discount. 2) Installments 3) Delinquency penalty. 4) Tax certif for nonpayment --- ~ FS 197.363.
if not using 197, what is alternative method of collecting special assessments?
What is specifically prohibited?
As is set forth in LG resolution.
~confirmed. FS 197.363