Notices + Offers, re: Owners Flashcards
How notice Fee Owner?
E.D. PRE-NOTICE-O ----------- Cert Mail @ Tax Roll OR Personal Delivery
When put O on notice?
- Notice O.
- w/ or aft O’s Notice: Offer O
- w/ or aft. O’s Offer: Notice BO.
Who gets put on notice?
O + BO (incl bus lessee.)
If O has multiple properties/businesses, how notice?
1 notice suffices for all.
Is LG’s notice to O insufficient if O sells during ED.
No, suffices.
No new notice required to new O after orig notice.
What if notice returned undeliverable?
Returned as undeliverable = compliance.
For O (as opposed to BO), what are ALL 7 ITEMS O’s Notice must include?
Notice O has a rt to Offer his CAFA & I.D. Parts to Stay Natural. [*he’s not a businessman so gets an offer [BO settles].
(1) Offer (can include, or do separately)
(2) Costs (73.091)
(3) atty’s Fees (73.092)
(4) get App, maps + plans (if prepped - can file Slow w/o app) in 15 days upon request
(5) PID
(6) Part or all.
(7) Nature of project on THE PROP. [not adjacent, as in BO]
Alternate: Noticing E.D. reveals Owner’s 15 PORN Parts.
What 4 addtl docs can Def request?
If prepared (can file Slow w/o app):
1. Appraisal report,
2. ROW maps or other docs showing taking,
3. Const plans w/ plan detail
4. If requested, any additional plan sheets.
What are construction plans w/ plan detail?
Improvements to be made on prop, profiles, cross sections, driveway connections, drainage & pavement marking
How soon must LG provide additional documents to Owner, if requested?
E.D. PRE-NOTICE - O ----------- Within 15 days, if prepped. ----------- Remember, Slow can be filed w/o app.
For O (as opposed to BO), what are just the 2 rights that have to be summarized or attached to O’s Notice?
E.D. PRE-NOTICE - O ----------- [Notice O has a rt to Offer his] CAF[a & I.D. Parts to Stay Natural.] ----------- (1) Costs (73.091) (2) atty's Fees (73.092) ----------- Noticing E.D. reveals Owner's 15 PORN Parts.
E.D. PRE-NOTICE - BO ----------- CONTRAST ----------- For BO (as opposed to O) what are ALL 8 ITEMS BO's Notice must include?
1) Settling & submitting its claim.
2) Costs (73.091)
3) AF (73.092)
4) Severance/comp/jury (73.071)
5) get App, maps + plans if prepped (can file Slow w/o appraisal) in 15 days upon request.
(6) pI.D.
(7) Part or all.
(8) Nature of project on ADJACENT PROP [not the prop, as in Fee O].
Alternate: Notice the Business you PAID the SCAN = Settled
Originally I thought order of notice/offer was complicated. But it is what you would expect.
What’s the order of offer/notice to O?
- Notice O.
- w/ or aft O’s Notice: Offer O
- w/ or aft. O’s Offer: Notice BO.
E.D. PRE-NOTICE - BO ----------- CONTRAST ----------- For BO (as opposed to O), what are just the 3 RIGHTS that must be summarized or attached to BO's Notice?
E.D. PRE-NOTICE - BO ----------- Notice Bus O has a Right to Settle his CASA [& I.D. Part to stay Natural]. ----------- (1) Costs (73.091) (2) AF (73.092) (3) Severance/bus dmgs/comp/jury (73.071)
How deliver offer to O?
E.D. PRE-OFFER - O ----------- Cert Mail @ Tax Roll OR Personal Delivery
Is Offer to O made before or after Notice?
- Notice O.
- w/ or aft O’s Notice: Offer O
- w/ or aft. O’s Offer: Notice BO.
How long does O have to accept/reject offer?
E.D. PRE-OFFER - O ----------- Ʃ: O has 30 days from NOTICE to respond to OFFER. ~weird~ ----------- LG can file on 31st day.
How soon can file suit?
31 days aft O’s NOTICE delivered or undeliverable.
Ʃ: O has 30 days from NOTICE to respond to OFFER.
What’s the order of offers/notices?
- Notice O.
- w/ or aft O’s Notice: Offer O
- w/ or aft. O’s Offer: Notice BO.