CP - elements, etc. Flashcards
10 CP Elements
CP ----------- It's Elementary you can Properly Sea SLIC SHIT ----------- Property Rights (New 2021) Sea level rise, high tide Open & Recreation Spaces Future Land Use Cap Improvements Conservation Sewer Housing ICE Traffic
CP’s Capital Improvement Element covers how many years?
Covers 5 years
Concurrency - MANDATORY inclusions
It’s Mandatory the Current Level of the Water is Safe for the Transport of School of fish
- Water (W, WW & Drainage) + Safety (police, fire, ems, health)
- Level of Service Stds.
- State mandates for transp + schools.
Concurrency - OPTIONAL inclusions
Transp, mass transit, parks + schools
CP covers how many years?
20 years
CP’s Property Rights Element (New 2021) - WHEN
CP ----------- Earlier of: 1. Next CP Amendment after 7/1/21 Or 2. Date of next scheduled eval & appraisal of CP pursuant to 163.3191.
CP’s Property Rights Element (New 2021) -
What 4 things must be included?
We all have to Adopt & Dispose a PUP.
* I always forget Privacy!
Rts of Owners to:
1. Dispose of their property (sale/gift)
2. Possess. Control int, incl esmnts, leases, or mineral rts.
3. Use. Develop & improve.
4. PRIVACY. Exclude others to protect RP + PP.
Purpose of CP’s Capital Improvements Element?
A. Ensures infrastructure in place for the development
B. Reqs contribution to aid in deficiencies
C. At least identifies reqs to comply w/ Concurrency.
If your Concurrency is unfunded, what do you do?
No longer requires funding to be in place.
A. Show as funded or unfunded.
B. If unfunded must prioritize to put in CP.
What must CP’s Future Land Element do?
CP ----------- A. Distribute & balance uses. B. Provide econ dev, encourage recreational and commercial fronts, schools near residences, protect historic resources. C. Address compatibility.
What is CP’s Future Land Use Element required aspiration?
Vibrant, viable communities and economic development opportunities.
CP ----------- What's the difference b/w: (a) Designations in CP's Future Land Use (FLU) element vs. (b) Zoning districts?
you FLU so you got a DUI
zoning ‘d’istricts = ‘d’esign + ‘d’evelopment
FLU = use & density.
Zoning districts = use & design/develop guidelines.
Are zoning districts in FLU? Or are FLU in zoning districts?
Zoning districts are in Future Land Use designation which is within the Future Land Use element of the CP.
The Future Land Use Element allows for various zoning districts within a given Future Land Use designation
Capital Improvement Element sets forth principals for what?
Construction, extension or an increase in the capacity of public facilities. FS 163.3177(3)
What 2 things must the Capital Improvement Element address?
1) How to correct existing public facility deficiencies
2) Level of Standards for Government facilities.
How frequently is Capital Improvement Element reviewed?
But written to cover 5 years.
Re: future money, what must Capital Improvement Element include?
Projected sources of revenue must be identified.
What must be listed as funded or unfunded in the Capital Improvement Element?
Projects needed to reach adopted level of service standards.
What’s the priority that must be shown in your Capital Improvement Element?
Projects needed to reach adopted level of service standards are given priority of funding.
Which element of CP has concurrency?
Capital Improvements.
Which element of CP has a plan & for what length of time?
Capital Improvements Plan - 5 yrs.
- State the plan found in the CP.
- State its 3 purposes.
CP ----------- Capital Improvements Plan 1. Addresses deficiencies, 2. List of projects, & 3. Projected costs.
What 3 things serve as the basis of the Concurrency Management System?
*Note - there’s no thing called a comprehensive mgt system.
CP ----------- Capital Improvement element's (a) financial policies & (b) 5 yr plan. \+ Level of service standards established in other elements.
What’s the purpose of the Concurrency Mgt System?
Ensure public facilities & services to support development are ‘concurrent’ w/ impact of development.