Pyramus and Thisbe Lines 105-146 Flashcards
Sērius ēgressus, vēstīgia vīdit in altō pulvere certa ferae, tōtōque expalluit ōre Pyramis; ut vērō vestem quoque sanguine tīnctam repperit,
Having departed rather late, Pyramus saw certain tracks of a wild beast in the deep sand, and grew pale in his whole face; as he in fact found also the garment stained with blood,
‘Ūna duōs,’ inquit, ‘nox perdet amantēs, ē quibua illa fuit longā dignissima vītā; nostra nocēns anima est.
he says, ‘one night will destroy two lovers, of whom that one was most worthy of a long life; my soul is guilty.
Ego tē, miseranda, perēmī, in loca plēna metūs quī iussī nocte venīrēs nec prior hūc vēnī.
I have destroyed you, pitiable one, I who ordered you to come at night into a place full of fear and I did not come here first.
Nostrum dīvellite corpus, et scelerāta ferō cōnsūmite viscera morsū, ō quīcumque sub hāc habitātis rūpe leōnēs! Sed timidī est optāre necem.’
Tear apart my body, and destroy my accursed flesh with a savage bite, oh whatever lions you live under this rocky cliff! But to wish for death is the mark of a cowardly man.’
Vēlāmina Thisbēs tollit, et ad pactae sēcum fert arboris umbram, utque dedit nōtae lacrimās, dedit ōscula vestī,
He lifts up Thisbe’s veil, and carries it with himself to the shade of the agreed upon tree, and as he gave tears to the well-known garment, he gave kisses,
‘Accipe nunc,’ inquit, ‘nostrī quoque sanguinis haustūs!”’
‘Receive now,’ he says, ‘drinks of my own blood also!’
Quōque erat accīnctus, dēmīsit in īlia ferrum, nec mora, ferventī moriēns ē vulnere trāxit, et iacuit resupīnus humō.
He plunged down the sword with which he had been equipped into his groin, and without delay, dying he drew it from his warm wound and lay down flat on his back on the ground.
Cruor ēmicat altē, nōn aliter quam cum vitiātō fistula plumbō scinditur, et tenuī strīdente forāmine longās ēiaculātur aquās, atque ictibus āera rumpit.
The blood spurts upward, no differently than when a pipe with faulty lead is split, and shoots long streams of water out from its thin hissing hole, and bursts the air with its pulsing.
Arboreī fētūs adspergine caedis in ātram vertuntur faciem, madefactaque sanguine rādīx purpureō tingit pendentia mōra colōre.
The offspring of the tree are turned into a dark appearance from the sprinkling of the killing, and its root drenched with blood dyes the hanging mulberry tree with purple colour.
Ecce, metū nōndum positō, nē fallat amantem, illa redit, iuvenemque oculīs animōque requīrit, quantaque vītārit narrāre perīcula gestit.
Behold, with fear not yet put aside, so as not to deceive her lover, she returns, and searches for the youth with her eyes and longs for him in her heart, and desires eagerly to tell of what great dangers she has avoided.
Utque locum et vīsā cognōscit in arbore fōrmam, sīc facit incertam pōmī color; haeret an haec sit.
And although she recognises the place and the shape in the seen tree, at the same time the colour of the fruit makes her uncertain; she is uncertain whether this is the tree.
Dum dubitat, tremebunda videt pulsāre cruentum membra solum, retrōque pedem tulit, ōraque buxō pallidiōra gerēns exhorruit aequoris īnstar, quod tremit, exiguā cum summum stringitur aurā.
While she is hesitating, she sees the trembling limbs pulsing on the bloody ground, and she stepped back, and wearing an expression paler than a boxwood, she shuddered just like the sea, which trembles, when its surface is touched by a slight breeze.
Sed postquam, remorāta, suōs cognōvit amōrēs, percutit indignōs clārō plangōre lacertōs
But later, having delayed, she recognised her love, she struck her arms unworthy of loud lamentation
et, laniāta comās amplexaque corpus amātum, vulnera supplēvit lacrimīs, flētumque cruōrī miscuit, et gelidīs in vultibus ōscula fīgēns
and, having torn her hair and having embraced his loved body, she filled his wounds with tears, and mingled her tears with his blood, and placing kisses on his cold face
‘Pyrame,’ clāmāvit, ‘quis tē mihi cāsus adēmit? Pyrame, respondē! Tua tē, cārissime, Thisbē nōminat; exaudī vultūsque attolle iacentēs!’
‘Pyramus,’ she shouted, ‘what misfortune has taken you away from me? Pyramus, answer! Your Thisbe calls you, dearest one, by name; hear and lift up your lifeless face!’
Ad nōmen Thisbēs oculōs iam morte gravātōs Pyramis ērēxit, vīsāque recondidit illā.
To the name Thisbe Pyramis raised up his eyes already weighed down by death, and after she was seen he closed them again.