PT Manual: Ch. 7 - Functional Assessments: Posture, Movement, Core, Balance, and Flexibility Flashcards
What are the 6 correctable factors for muscle and postural deviations?
- Repetitive Movements
- Awkward positions and movements
- Side dominance
- Lack of joint stability
- Lack of joint mobility
- Imbalanced strength-training programs
What are the 4 non-correctable factors for muscle and postural deviations?
- Congenital Conditions- Scoliosis
- Some pathologies - Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Structural deviations
- Certain types of trauma
What are the five key postural deviations that occur frequently in individuals?
- Ankle Pronation/Supination and the Effect on Tibial and Femoral Rotation
- Hip Adduction
- Pelvic Tilting (Anterior or Posterior)
- Shoulder Position and the Thoracic Spine
- Head Position
Subtalar Joint Pronation - Deviation 1
Foot Movement - Eversion
Tibial (Knee Movement) - Internal Rotation
Femoral Movement - Internal Rotation
Subtalar Joint Supination - Devation 1
Foot Movement - Inversion
Tibial (Knee Movement) - External Rotation
Femoral Movement - External Rotation
Right Hip Adduction - Deviation 2
Position - Elevated vs. Left Side
Plumb Line Alignment - Hips usually shifted right
Left Hip Adduction - Deviation 2
Position - Elevated vs. Right Side
Plumb Line Alignment - Hips usually shifted left
Neutral Pelvic Position - Deviation 3
The bucket is full and no water is spilling out.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt - Deviation 3
Water is spilling out of the front of the bucket, and the back is elevated.
Posterior Pelvic Tilt - Deviation 3
Water is spilling out of the back of the bucket, and the front is elevated.
Elevation - Deviation 4
The shoulders are going up towards the ears.
Depression - Deviation 4
The shoulders are going down towards the ground.
Adduction (Retraction) - Deviation 4
The shoulders are going towards the midline of the spine.
Abduction (Protraction) - Deviation 4
The shoulders are curving causing a rounded back.
Upward Rotation - Deviation 4
The shoulders are pressing up, like in an overhead press.
Downward Rotation - Deviation 4
The shoulders are returning to the anatomical position.
Forward Head - Deviation 5
From the sagittal view, the head is pushed forward, like a turtle.
What are the five primary movements that people perform during many daily activities?
- Bending and Raising
- Lifting and Lowering Movements (Squat)
- Single-Leg Movements
- Pushing Movements and Resultant Movement
- Pulling Movements and Resultant Movement
- Rotational Movements
Bend and Lift Screen
To examine symmetrical lower-extremity mobility and stability, and upper-extremity stability during a bend and lift movement.
Hurdle Step Screen
To examine simultaneous mobility of one limb and stability of the contralateral limb while maintaining both hip and torso stabilization during a balance challenge of standing on one leg.
Shoulder Push Stabilization Screen
To examine stabilization of the scapulothoracic joint and core control during closed-kinetic-chain pushing movements.
Thoracic Spine Mobility Screen
To examine bilateral mobility of the thoracic spine.
Thomas Test
Hip Flexion
Quadriceps Length
To assess the length of the muscles involved in hip flexion.
Passive Straight Leg (PSL) Raise
To assess the length of the hamstrings.
Shoulder Flexion and Extension
To assess the degree of shoulder flexion and extension.
Internal and External Rotation of the Humerus at the Shoulder
To assess internal (medial) and external (lateral) rotation of the humerus at the shoulder joint.
Apley’s Scratch Test for Shoulder Mobility
To assess simultaneous movements of the shoulder girdle; primarily the scapulothoracic and glenohumeral joints.
Sharpened Romberg Test
To assess static balance by standing with a reduced base of support while removing visual sensory information.
Stork Balance Test
To assess static balance by standing on one foot in a modified stork stand position.
McGill’s Torso Muscular Endurance Test Battery
- Trunk Flexor Endurance Test
- Trunk Lateral Endurance Test
- Trunk Extensor Endurance Test
They are performed individually, but evaluated collectively.
Trunk Flexor Endurance Test
Assesses the deep core muscles:
- Transverse Abdominis
- Quadratus Lumborum
- Erector Spinae
Trunk Lateral Endurance Test
Assesses the lateral core muscles:
- Transverse Abdominis
- Obliques
- Quadratus Lumborum
- Erector Spinae
Also called the Side Bridge Test
Trunk Extensor Endurance Test
Assesses the extensor core muscles:
- Erector Spinae
- Longissimus
- Iliocostalis
- Multifidi