PT Cardiopulm Interventions Flashcards
HRR/ Karvonen formula for target HR
Low THR = [(HRmax-HRrest)x 0.4) + HRrest
High THR = [(HRmax-HRrest) x 0.85) + HR rest
Estimating HR max
220 - age
Target heart rate: Percent of max HR method
Low THR = HRmax x 0.55
High THR = HRmax x 0.90
Intensity/ Duration recommended for adults (not training for athletic competition)
Moderate intensity over longer duration
Due to potential hazards and adherence problems associated with high intensity activity.
Chronic adaptations to aerobic exercise re: blood lactate
Increased blood lactate at maximal exercise; decreased at submaximal exercise
Chronic changes in body heat transfer due to aerobic training
Improved body heat transfer due to larger plasma volume and more responsive thermoregulatory mechanisms.
Active Cycle of Breathing technique
3 phases:
- Breathing control (gentle, relaxed)
- Thoracic expansion exercises (deep, slow inhalations with passive exhalation. Possibly include percussion/vibration during exhalation)
- Forced expiratory technique (1-2 huffs, possibly with brisk adduction of upper arms to compress the thorax)
Autogenic Drainage
Uses controlled breathing to improve airflow in the small airways and facilitate the movement of mucus. *Requires patience to learn, so not appropriate for children/ easily distracted/ not motivated. *No equipment or assistance required 3 phases: 1. Unsticking 2. Collecting 3. Evacuating Average treatment: 30-45 minutes
Beneficial because keeps airways open (greater potential for airway collapse with coughing)
High-frequency airway oscillation (Acapella, Flutter)
Combine positive expiratory pressure and high frequency airway vibrations to mobilize mucus secretions in the airways.
10-20 reps with device followed by 2-3 coughs or huffs.
Procedure for percussion or vibration
- Place patient in postural drainage position
- Cover skin with thin material (T-shirt, towel, gown)
- Percuss/ vibrate
Changes in vital signs with airway clearance techniques
Moderate changes in respiratory rate and/or pulse rate are expected.
Precautions/ Contraindications for Diaphragmatic Breathing
Mod-severe COPD
Marked hyperinflation of the lungs
Paradoxical breathing patterns
Patient demonstrates increased dyspnea or work of breathing with diaphragmatic breathing.
Fowler’s and Semi-Fowler’s position
Fowlers: HOB elevated 90 deg
Semi: HOB elevated 45 deg
Pillows under knees to maintain lumbar curve
Flow resistive breathing
Form of Inspiratory Muscle Training
- Patient inspires through a mouthpiece with adjustable diameter.
- Decreasing diameter increases resistance to inhalation (if breathing rate, tidal volume kept constant).