Cardioplum Pathology Flashcards
Cor Pulmonale
Hypertrophy of R ventricle due to lung disease
How severe does CAD have to be before symptoms are felt?
70% of lumen occluded
What percentage of DVT cases are asymptomatic?
Inflammation of endothelium that lines the heart and cardiac valves.
Can damage/ destroy heart valves if untreated
S/s include fever, chills, heart murmur, fatigue, SOB, weight loss, blood in urine, skin petechiae
Auscultation findings with congestive heart failure
Rapid or irregular heartbeat
S3 or S4 heart sounds
Medications for someone with heart failure
Anticoagulants, antihypertensives, digitalis
ACE inhibitor and Beta blocker
Stage 1 HTN definition (adults)
Systolic 140-159
Diastolic 90-99
HTN definition (children)
Systolic and/or diastolic BP = or > 95th percentile of the BP distribution for age
Primary vs. Secondary HTN
Primary (essential): No known cause
Secondary: Identified cause, usually renal disease
Stage 2 HTN (adults)
Systolic 160+
Diastolic 100+
Prehypertensive definition
Systolic 120-139
Diastolic 80-89
Causes of MI
Usually blockage by atherosclerotic plaque or blood clot
Uncommonly: Spasm of coronary artery
Heart Attack/ MI Symptoms
Most common: Chest Pain (for both genders)
Women more likely than men to experience SOB, N/V, back/jaw pain
Infllamation/ weakness of myocardium
Myocardium becomes thick and swollen, leading to symptoms of heart failure
Inflammation of pericardium, usually due to viral infection
Leads to pericardial effusion (increase in pericardial fluid - fluid between the two layers of the pericardium).