Pt 3: Chapter 16 Notes Flashcards
Annual cost of a thrifty food budget for an urban family of four, multiplied by three
The poverty line
What was the poverty line in 2014?
Who generally fall beneath the poverty line?
- children ; single parent homes headed by women
- minority-group members
- rural and inner-city dwellers
How many people in the US live in poverty?
1 in 7
What country has the highest poverty rate and what is it?
United States; 23%
Many Americans believe poverty is what?
a choice
Most poor are in poverty as a result of what?
These are widely supported by the public, heavily funded, and seen as an earned entitlement
Social insurance programs
What are these examples of?
- social security
- unemployment insurance
- medicare
social insurance programs
These have less public support, receive less funding, and are seen as a hand-out
Public assistance programs
What are these examples of?
- Supplemental security income SSI
- Head Start
- Earned income tax credit EITC
Public assistance programs
When did public assistance programs see a big expansion?
LBJ’s term
Social insurance vs. public assistance, which one does society support?
Social insurance
What are food stamps and housing vouchers?
public assistance programs
What is Medicaid and SCHIP?
Public assistance programs
What is the 2010 Health Care Reform Act?
Public assistance program
How is the US’s welfare system compared to the rest of the western world?
US has the most inefficient welfare system in the Western world
Where is inequity found in social security and medicare?
Many high-income earners receive benefits
What is the process to get into the welfare system? 1. 2. 3. 4.
- Potential recipient goes to welfare office and fills out application form
- welfare agency employees check form and interview applicant
- applicant’s eligibility for benefits is investigated and certified by agency employees
- Applicants receive benefits
America has a heavy investment in public education for what goal?
Equality of opportunity
The cornerstone of the federal government’s public-school efforts in federal grants-in-aid
1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This act of 1965 included pell grants and federal loans
1965 Higher Education Act
Although America spends very highly on education, how do we perform?
America’s students not high performers relative to other advanced countries
Inequality of wealth in communities leads to
Better school outcomes in wealthy communties
Best predictor about how well you are going to do academically?
factors outside school system you are attending in. More about parents willingness to pursue opportunities for kids.
Within public education, which schools perform the best?
Wealthy communities
What country has the highest test scores?
Mandatory high-stakes testing came about with what?
No Child Left Behind
Race to the top is competition that rewards what?
Performance and innovation
The highest 20% income group has how much of all US income?