Pt 2: Chapter 11 Notes Flashcards
What is the federal government’s total expenditures?
$3.55 trillion ($3,500 billion)
The expenditures for the legislative branch?
$7 billion
The expenditures for the executive branch?
$7 billion
The expenditures for the executive branch?
$3,500 billion
What are the 3 big programs that use up a majority of our federal spending (rank them highest to lowest)
- Social security - 24%
- Healthcare - 24%
- Defense Dept - 17%
What are the 3 biggest incomes for the federal govt and how are they ranked? (highest to lowest)
- Individual income - 46%
- Payroll - 34%
- Corporate income - 11%
What is was the highest ever marginal rate?
What is the current highest marginal rate?
Lower-income individuals pay a higher rate
Regressive tax
Higher-income individuals pay a higher rate
Progressive tax
Whats the saying about Congress?
Hate the Congress… Love your congressman
Approval/disapproval rating for Yarmuth?
62% approval
26% disapproval
Overall Congress approval rating? Disapproval?
15% approve
70% disapprove
Over ___ of House incumbents who seek re-election win, the number is just slightly lower for the Senate
What are some reasons why House incumbents are likely to get reelected?
- Take care of Constituents
- Fund-raising advantage
- Redistricting
Each member of the house represents roughly _____ people
How many members of the Senate?
100 members
The Senate is referred to as?
“The Upper House”
Qualifications for Senate:
- How old?
- How long a citizen?
- Where should you be from?
- 30 years of age
- US citizen for 9 years
- Inhabit state you represent when elected
How many women in Senate? African Americans?
17 women, 1 African American
How many members of the house?
435 voting members + 5 non-voting
What is the House referred to as?
“The Lower House”
Qualifications for the House:
- How old?
- How long a citizen?
- Where should you be from?
- 25 years old
- US citizen for 7 years
- Inhabit state you were elected in
Who is our Senator?
Good ole Mitch McConnell
Who is the president of the Senate?
Joe Biden
Who is our Pro Tempore of the Senate?
Orin Hatch
Who is our Speaker of the House?
Its up in the air rn
This is when Congressmen work hard to get their share of federal spending projects for their constituents
Pork-barrel spending
Responding to their constituents’ individual requests. The representative’s staff is always ready to assist someone who is seeking information about a gov’t program or looking to get a federal benefit.
Service strategy
The responsibility for redrawing House election district rests with the respective state legislatures
The party that controls the legislature typically redraws the boundaries in a way that favors the candidates of its party
Senate and house incumbends can fall victim to disruptive issues which are what?
When voters are angry about existing political conditions the incumbents are at greater risk
Why is the midterm election a problem to incumbents?
The president’s party usually loses House seats during these elections, which is partly due to the drop-off of voter participation in the midterm election because the electorate is much smaller and people who only vote in pres elections have weaker party ties
What is the primary election challengers problem with incumbents trying to get reelected?
Those who are moderate usually lose to a strong challenger from the extreme wing of their party b/c extremists are more likely to go out and vote than moderates
Senators often find themselves running against who? Threatening their seat
High ranked politicians like governors who have more resources for a strong campaign
House incumbents are less likely to face strong challengers why?
Because the seat isnt attractive enough and face appointments who have dont enough money to raise a strong campaign
What is the threat of Super PACS to incumbency?
These contribute money fro outside the state or district and target the race by donating money to the challenger. Incumbents barely survive the inflow of money
The Speaker of the House is elected by ?
House Membership
The Speaker of the House is by default…
a member of the majority party
The Speaker of the House is said to be
the second-most-powerful official in Washington
The Speaker of the House develops ? and persuades party members in the House to?
Develops the party’s opposition on issues and persuades party members in the House to support them
What are the formal powers of the Speaker of the House?
The right to speak during the first house debate on legislation and the power to recognize speakers during the debate
The Speaker of the House influences…
House Rules Committee
This controls the scheduling of bills
House Rules Committee
Who is the most powerful senator?
Majority party leader
Who presides over the Senate and what does his job include?
VP; Joe Biden
Has power only to cast a tie-breaking vote
Who presides over the Senate in the VP’s absence?
Senate president Pro tempore
This is largely a honorary position held by the majority party’s senior member
pro tempore
This committee does most of the work in Congress. Permanent and responsible for particular areas of public policy
Standing committee
Each standing committee has a ______ with each having a defined jurisidciton
Each chamber has one of these committees that handles foreign policy issues, commerce, etc
Senate standing committee
Each of these committees has legislative authority in that it can draft and rewrite proposed legislation and can recommend to the full chamber the passage or defeat of the bills it handles
House standing committee
A few in Congress that have designated responsibility but, unlike standing ones, do not produce legislation
Select committee
Joint committees formed temporarily to work out differences in House and Senate versions of a particular bill
Conference committee
This means that bills introduced must be referred to the proper committee
Committee jurisdiction
Committee membership looks like what
Mirrors the party ratio of the body
Who are the committee chairs?
Typically senior members of the majority party
Committees have been described as this
“little legislatures”
Why have committees been described as little legislatures?
Each are secure in its jurisdiction and membership, and each wielding considerable influence over the legislation it handles
Most work on legislation is done where
In committee
From committees to the floor what is defined?
Rules for debate
During the leadership and floor action what happens?
Debate, changes to the bill, and vote by the full membership
What happens after full membership vote?
Conference committees will work out a compromise version if 2 bills are passed that are similar. After that the president signs or vetos
What are the 3 major functions of congress?
Lawmaking, representation, and oversight
Congress makes laws doing what
Authorizing federal programs
Why would fragmentation being a weakness for Congress?
Limit on Congress’ role, the president typically has the more prominent role
Why would fragmentation being a strength for Congress?
Ability to deal with narrow problems, but not broad ones, simultaneously
The responsibility of a legislature to represent various interests in society
Representative function of congress
Representation of states and districts by Congress how?
Will vote in a way that will not antagonize local interests on narrow issues because of reelection needs
Representation of the nation through parties is done how?
Congress focuses on the big issues instead of local interests and these clear cut views are defined clearly in each party
Congress has the responsibility to see that the executive branch carries out the laws faithfully
Oversight function
How is oversight primarily done?
By committees
How are committes set up in regards to oversight?
Facilitated by the parallel structure to the executive bureaucracy. Ex: House and Senate judiciary committees oversee the work of the Dept. of Justice
T/F: Oversight is constantly pursued and done perfectly
False. too demanding to do adequately
What are advantages of Congress?
Culturally representative of a nation and diverse interests are represented
Disadvantages of Congress?
National interest is often subjugated to special interests, disproportionate influence of the minority on party interests, and Congress’s structure makes it easier to block leg than enact it