Psychopathology- The Cognitive Approach To Explaining Depression Flashcards
Cognitive approach -
The term ‘cognitive’ has come to mean mental processes, so this approach is focused on how our mental processes (e.g. thoughts, perceptions, attention) affect behaviour.
Negative triad -
Beck proposed that there were three kinds of negative thinking that contributed to becoming depressed: negative views of the world, the future and the self. Such negative views lead a person to interpret their experiences in a negative way and so make them more vulnerable to depression.
ABC model -
Ellis proposed that depression occurs when an activating event (A) triggers an irrational belief (B) which in turn produces a consequence (C), i.e. an emotional response like depression. The key to this process is the irrational belief.
What is the main idea behind Beck’s cognitive theory of depression?
American psychiatrist Aaron Beck (1967) suggested that depression is caused by faulty thinking and cognitive vulnerabilities. According to Beck, it is the way a person thinks that makes them more susceptible to depression.
What are the three key components of Beck’s cognitive vulnerability?
Beck proposed that there are three parts to cognitive vulnerability that can lead to depression:
1.Faulty Information Processing
2.Negative Self-Schemas
3.The Negative Triad
What is faulty information processing in the context of depression?
Faulty information processing occurs when a depressed person focuses solely on the negative aspects of a situation and disregards any positives. For example, if someone wins £1 million in the lottery, they might focus on the fact that someone else won £10 million, rather than the positive aspects of winning £1 million. Additionally, depressed individuals tend to blow small problems out of proportion and think in “black and white” terms, where no middle ground exists.
What are negative self-schemas?
A self-schema is a mental framework or “package” of ideas and information about ourselves, developed through experiences. When a person has a negative self-schema, they interpret all information about themselves in a negative light. This reinforces depressive feelings and can make a person see themselves as inherently flawed or unworthy.
What is the negative triad, and how does it relate to depression?
The negative triad is a key part of Beck’s theory and refers to three types of negative thinking patterns that occur automatically when someone is depressed:
1.Negative View of the World – Example: “The world is a cold, hard place,” which fosters feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
2.Negative View of the Future – Example: “There isn’t much chance the economy will ever get better,” which diminishes any sense of hope for the future.
3.Negative View of the Self – Example: “I am a failure,” which can amplify feelings of low self-worth and reinforce depressive symptoms.
What is Ellis’s ABC Model, and how does it explain depression?
Ellis’s ABC model suggests that depression is the result of irrational thoughts triggered by external events. According to this model:
A (Activating Event): A negative event occurs that triggers irrational thoughts. For instance, failing a test or ending a relationship.
B (Beliefs): These events trigger irrational beliefs, such as thinking that failure is unbearable or that life should always be fair.
C (Consequences): These irrational beliefs lead to emotional and behavioral consequences, like depression.
What are some examples of irrational beliefs according to Ellis?
Ellis identified a range of irrational beliefs that can trigger depression:
Musturbation: The belief that we must always succeed or achieve perfection. If this belief is not met, it can lead to feelings of failure and depression.
I-can’t-stand-it-itis: The belief that it is a catastrophe when things don’t go perfectly. Even small inconveniences are seen as major disasters.
Utopianism: The belief that life must always be fair. When life doesn’t meet this ideal, frustration and depression can result.
What supporting evidence is there for Beck’s cognitive theory?
Several studies support Beck’s theory. For example, Grazioli and Terry (2000) assessed 65 pregnant women for cognitive vulnerability and depression before and after birth. They found that women with high cognitive vulnerability were more likely to develop post-natal depression. Additionally, Clark and Beck (1999) reviewed research and concluded that cognitive vulnerability factors like faulty information processing, negative self-schemas, and the negative triad were strongly linked to depression.
How has Beck’s cognitive theory contributed to therapy?
Beck’s theory has been foundational in the development of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT helps individuals identify and challenge their negative automatic thoughts, including those related to the negative triad, and test their validity. This practical application has been shown to reduce depressive symptoms.
What are the limitations of Beck’s cognitive theory?
While Beck’s theory explains the basic symptoms of depression, it cannot account for all aspects. For instance, some depressed patients experience extreme anger, hallucinations, or bizarre beliefs, such as Cotard syndrome (the delusion of being a zombie). These symptoms are not easily explained by Beck’s theory, indicating its limitations.
How does Ellis’s ABC model explain depression?
Ellis’s ABC model proposes that negative external events (A) activate irrational beliefs (B), which in turn lead to negative emotional consequences (C), such as depression. According to Ellis, depression arises from these irrational thoughts, not the events themselves.
What is a limitation of Ellis’s ABC model?
Ellis’s model only applies to reactive depression, which occurs after an activating event. It does not fully explain depression that arises without any obvious cause, such as endogenous depression. Therefore, the model provides only a partial explanation of depression.
How has Ellis’s ABC model contributed to therapy?
Ellis’s model formed the basis for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), which helps patients identify and challenge irrational beliefs. This form of therapy has been supported by research, such as Lipsky et al. (1980), which showed that challenging irrational beliefs can reduce depression.
What are the limitations of Ellis’s model?
Similar to Beck’s theory, Ellis’s model does not explain all aspects of depression, such as anger or hallucinations that some depressed individuals experience. These extreme symptoms point to the limitations of the ABC model.
What is cognitive primacy, and how does it relate to depression?
Cognitive primacy refers to the idea that emotions are influenced by our thoughts, meaning our cognitive processes can cause depression. However, some theories of depression propose that emotions can emerge before cognition, challenging the idea of cognitive primacy.
How does attachment theory relate to depression?
Studies have shown that individuals who develop insecure attachments during infancy are more vulnerable to depression in adulthood. This could be explained using cognitive theory, as insecure attachment may lead to negative cognitive patterns about the self and the world, contributing to depression. In this way, attachment theory provides additional support for cognitive explanations of depression.