Psychopathology- The Behavioural Approach To Explaining Phobias Flashcards
Behavioural approach -
A way of explaining behaviour in terms of what is observable and in terms of learning.
Classical conditioning -
Learning by association.
Occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired together - an unconditioned (unlearned) stimulus (UCS) and a new ‘neutral’ stimulus (NS). The neutral stimulus eventually produces the same response that was first produced by the unlearned stimulus alone.
Operant conditioning -
A form of learning in which behaviour is shaped and maintained by its consequences.
Possible consequences of behaviour include positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement or punishment.
What does the two-process model propose?
The two-process model, proposed by Hobart Mower (1960), suggests that phobias are acquired through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning.
How does classical conditioning explain the acquisition of phobias?
Classical conditioning involves learning to associate a neutral stimulus (something we initially have no fear of) with an unconditioned stimulus that triggers a fear response.
Can you provide an example of classical conditioning in the acquisition of phobias?
Yes. In John Watson and Rosalie Rayner’s 1920 experiment, “Little Albert” was not initially afraid of a white rat. However, after pairing the rat with a loud, frightening noise (unconditioned stimulus), Albert developed a fear of the rat (conditioned stimulus). This fear generalized to other furry objects.
What is operant conditioning and how does it maintain phobias?
Operant conditioning involves reinforcement or punishment. In the case of phobias, avoidance behavior is reinforced because it allows individuals to escape the anxiety associated with the phobic stimulus, which makes them more likely to avoid the stimulus again.
What role does avoidance play in maintaining phobias?
Avoidance helps reduce anxiety in the short term, reinforcing the behavior. This reinforcement increases the likelihood of avoiding the feared stimulus in the future, thus maintaining the phobia.
What are the key behavioral aspects of phobias?
The key behavioral aspects include avoidance (staying away from feared stimuli), endurance (enduring the fear), and panic (feeling extreme fear or anxiety).
What is a strength of the two-process model?
The two-process model provides good explanatory power. It explains both the acquisition and maintenance of phobias, which has important implications for therapy, particularly exposure therapy.
How does the two-process model apply to therapy?
The model suggests that patients need to be exposed to the feared stimulus to stop reinforcing their avoidance behaviors. Once the avoidance is prevented, the phobia can decrease over time.
What is an alternative explanation for avoidance behavior in phobias?
Some avoidance behaviors, especially in complex phobias like agoraphobia, may be motivated more by positive feelings of safety rather than simply avoiding anxiety. For example, some people with agoraphobia can leave the house with a trusted person but feel anxious when alone.
What is a limitation of the two-process model in explaining phobias?
The model doesn’t fully explain all types of avoidance behavior. For example, in agoraphobia, the avoidance of leaving the house is often driven by the comfort and safety felt inside, rather than the avoidance of anxiety.
Does the two-process model account for evolutionary factors in the development of phobias?
No. Bounton (2007) argues that evolutionary factors play a significant role in phobias, which the two-process model doesn’t consider. For example, people are more likely to develop fears of things that posed a danger in our evolutionary past, such as snakes or the dark, rather than more modern threats like cars or guns.
What is biological preparedness in the context of phobias?
Biological preparedness, as suggested by Seligman (1971), refers to our innate predisposition to develop certain fears, such as those of snakes or the dark, because these dangers were more prevalent in our evolutionary history.