Psychopathology -> OCD Flashcards
Some sufferers of OCD attempt to reduce their anxiety by avoiding situations that might trigger it. Sufferers who wash their hands continuously might avoid coming into contact with germs by never emptying their bins.
Compulsions/Repetitive Behaviour:
Compulsions are repetitive actions that could seriously hinder the person’s ability to perform everyday tasks.
High Anxiety/Low Mood:
The obsessions and compulsions are a source of considerable anxiety and distress. Sufferers are aware that their obsessions and compulsive behaviours are excessive and this causes feelings of embarrassment and shame. Sufferers might also be aware that they cannot consciously control their compulsive behaviours, which leads to strong feelings of distress.
Obsessions/Obsessive Thoughts/Irrational Beliefs:
These are persistent, intrusive, irrational thoughts that are perceived as inappropriate or forbidden. They may be frightening or embarrassing and the person might not want to share them with others.
Feelings of disgust may be directed at the source of the obsession (e.g. dirt and germs) or they may be directed towards the self.
Awareness that Behaviour is Irrational:
Most sufferers understand their compulsive behaviours and obsessive thoughts are inappropriate and irrational, but they cannot consciously control or stop them.
Genetic Explanations
inherited condition
COMT gene
production of dopamine
SERT gene
transportation of serotonin
Strengths of the genetic explanation
Concordance rates for MZ twins
68 v 32
Genetic basis from animal studies
Weakness of the genetic explanation
Follow trauma
No previous history
Neural Explanations
Dopamine and serotonin
High dopamine levels
basal ganglia area
repetitive motor functions
caudate nucleus
low levels of serotonin result in obsessions
Strength of Neural Explanations
Antidepressant drugs increase serotonin levels in OCD patients, and this has lead to a reduction in OCD symptoms. Therefore there is good evidence to suggest that low levels of serotonin could be a cause for OCD.
Weakness of Neural Explanations
Neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin might not necessarily cause OCD. Instead low levels of serotonin and high levels of dopamine might be a symptom of OCD
Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Prozac, Fluoxetine etc.
reabsorption and breakdown
reduce anxiety
3-4 months
Strengths of SSRIs
Comparison with placebos
Decline in symptoms
70 v 30
Weakness of SSRIs
A problem with SSRIs is that they have severe side effects which might mean that the OCD patient might stop taking the medication. Side effects are temporary but include indigestion, blurred vision and loss of sex drive.
Benzodiazepines (BZ)
Anti-anxiety drugs
central nervous system
inhibitory effect
chloride ions
slowing down neural activity and making a person feel more relaxed.
Strength of BZs
BZ drugs can begin to reduce anxiety levels and OCD symptoms in a short period of time, especially compared to other treatments like CBT, so that the patient experiences immediate relief.
Weakness of BZs
side effects
drowsiness, depression and unpredictable interactions with alcohol.
dependent on the drug
high levels of anxiety and OCD symptoms
larger doses