Memory -> Factors Affecting EWT Flashcards
Eyewitness Testimony (EWT)
EWT is the evidence supplied to a court by people who have seen a crime, based on their memory of the incident. This evidence can include an identification of the perpetrator or details of the crime. Juries are often heavily influenced by eyewitnesses
Leading Questions
Leading questions are questions that are phrased in such a way as to encourage a witness to give a certain answer.
Loftus and Palmer
Car crash films
Different verbs in the questions
Affected the responses
Post-Event Discussion
The memory of an event can be contaminated through witnesses discussing what they have seen with co-witnesses or other people.
- Memory contamination
- Memory conformity
Strength of post-event discussion - Gabbert
Population validity
Weakness of post-event discussion - Gabbert
Lacks ecological validity
Gabbert et al - Post event discussion
Gabbert et al. put participants in pairs and got them to watch a different video of the same event
Pairs either discussed the video or they didn’t
71% of witnesses who had discussed went on to mistakenly recall details that they could not have seen themselves, but that they had learned of during the discussion with their partner.
Anxiety is a state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from a threatening situation. When anxiety is high it can often impair both physical and psychological functioning. Several psychologists have suggested that the anxiety that occurs when witnessing a crime can prevent accurate and detailed recall of that crime.
- Weapon focus effect.
Anxiety - Loftus
Pps overheard an argument. They also heard the sounds of furniture being overturned and broken glass. Then a man emerged carrying a letter opener covered in blood.
Control: Pps overheard a conversation between two people about laboratory equipment failure before a man with grease all over his hands emerged carrying a pen.
33% vs 49%
Weaknesses of anxiety - Loftus
Violated ethical guidelines
Real life armed robbery witnesses
Accurate in their testimonies
Lack of ecological validity