Psychopathology: Abnormality (L1-4) Flashcards
What are the definitions of abnormality?
- deviation from social norms
- failure to function adequately
- statistical infrequency
- deviation from ideal mental health
What is deviation from social norms?
- suggests any behaviour which does not fit within what is socially acceptable is abnormal
- any behaviour which does not follow accepted social pattern or rules
- violation to these patterns/rules would be regarded as abnormal and classes and unacceptable
+ve of deviation from social norms:
- distinguishes a difference between which behaviours are desirable and non desirable
- protects society from the effects of abnormal behaviour and any damaging consequences which it may have
-ve of deviation from social norms:
- does not always clearly indicate that a person is psychologically abnormal
- must be cautious when making judgements of whether this deviation suggests this individual is abnormal or simply odd/eccentric
- only has temporal validity as social norms are constantly changing
- lack of consistency making them difficult and confusing to follow
What is failure to function adequately?
- when a person can no longer cope with the demands of every day life as a result of psychological distress
What is the GAF (ftfa)?
- the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale
- assesses the rate of social, occupational and psychological functioning
- provides figure from 0-100
- 0 suggesting severe struggle with daily tasks
- 100 suggesting minimal difficulty in daily functions
Who created the failure to function adequately model + no. criteria?
- Rosenhan and Seligman
- 7 criteria
What is the S in SUMOVIV?
- Suffering
- state of undergoing pain, distress or hardship
What is the U in SUMOVIV?
- unpredictability and loss of control
- the individuals’ behaviour may be very variable and uncontrolled which could be occasionally inappropriate
What is the M in SUMOVIV?
- maladaptiveness
- when one’s behaviour acts as an obstacle and stops individuals from reaching major life goals
- such as enjoying good relationships with people or working effectively
What is the O in SUMOVIV?
- observer discomfort
- the feeling of discomfort some may feel when seeing others going against the unspoken rules of social behaviour
What is the V(1) in SUMOVIV?
- vividness and unconventionality
- the way in which abnormal individuals behave in various situations differ substantially from how most other people would behave
- however! same is true for non conformists and eccentrics
What is the I in SUMOVIV?
- irrationality and incomprehensibility
- a common feature of abnormal behaviour is that it isn’t clear why anyone would act that way
- lack of logical reasoning or understanding behind their actions
What is the V(2) in SUMOVIV?
- violation of moral and ideal standards
- behaviour which may be judged to be abnormal when it violates established moral standards
- however! the majority of people may fail to maintain these standards, which may be out of date or imposed by minority religious or political leaders
+ve of failure to function adequately:
- use of numerical data allows psychologists to accurately assess the degree of abnormality and how the patient is coping with daily life
- behaviour listed is mostly observable meaning others are likely to pick up on this abnormal behaviour and provide support as the individual is clearly incapable of doing so themselves
-ve of failure to function adequately:
- assumption that dysfunction and abnormality come hand in hand, people with a psychological abnormality can still lead a normal life such as Harold Shipman and Ted Bundy
- some people may just be having a bad day so appear to be not functioning adequately when really they are quite normal
- model is very subjective and lacks being scientific as the 7 criteria can be problematic and difficult to measure/analyse
- there may be occasions when some criteria should be adhered to as it would be normal such as grieving and showing suffering after losing a loved one
What is statistical infrequency?
- occurs when an individual possesses a less common characteristic than most of the population
- behaviours displayed are statically rare
+ve of statistical infrequency:
- just because a behaviour is statistically infrequent does not mean that the person is abnormal and requires treatment. Statistical infrequency can be a good thing
- SI is based on objective, scientific and unbiased data that can help indicate abnormality and normality, the results from testing can indicate whether someone needs psychological help and assistance
-ve of statistical infrequency:
- it involves labelling some people as abnormal, and this is not beneficial. It could affect self confidence and self esteem and lead to problems.
- there is a subjective cutoff point (e.g. an IQ of 69 is abnormal but and IQ of 71 isn’t?)
What is deviation from ideal mental health?
- definition stems from the Humanist approach which focuses on motivation and self development
- abnormality is related to the lack of “contented existence” therefore, people who deviate from having ideal mental health can be classed as abnormal
- “self actualisation” means that humans should strive towards their full potential through a series of goals, abnormality may occur if one is unable to meet these goals
Who created the DfIMH model + no. criteria?
- Marie Jahoda
- 6 criteria, all must be fulfilled to be classed as normal
What is the A in APPIES?
- autonomy
- the degree to which an individual is independent of social influences and can make their own decisions
What is the P(1) in APPIES?
- perception of reality
- whereby mentally healthy people do not distort their perception of reality
- they are not too optimistic or pessimistic
- they show signs of empathy and social sensitivity to others
What is the P(2) in APPIES?
- personal growth
- the extent of an individuals growth, development or self actualisation
- developing and changing as a person to become the person you want to be
What is the I in APPIES?
- integration
- person must be able to cope well with stressful and anxiety provoking situations
What is the E in APPIES?
- environmental mastery
- the extent to which an individual is successful and well adapted
- includes the ability to love, adequacy at work and play, good interpersonal relations, efficient problem solving and capacity for adjustment
What is the S in APPIES?
- self attitudes
- having a high self esteem and a strong sense of identity
+ve of deviation from ideal mental health:
- can be viewed as being positive and productive, it focuses on criteria we should all aim and strive for
- it can target areas of dysfunction that the patient needs to work on and improve their life
-ve of deviation from ideal mental health:
- the six criteria are based on abstract concepts and are difficult to define and measure
- very few people can actually achieve all of the six criteria; it would become “normal to be abnormal”, the criteria is too demanding and meeting all 6 could be deemed as quite impossible