Psychology Chapter 5 Flashcards
midterm studying
a permanent change in behaviour, knowledge, capabilities, from practice and experience
Learning by association
through reflective psychological responses, conditioned through association
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
stimulus from an organism naturally ( no conditioning)
Unconditioned response (UCR)
unlearned response to an unconditioned stimulus
conditioned stimulus (CS)
neural stimulus creates a conditioned response because it’s been conditioned repeatedly with the same stimulus.
conditioned response (CR)
a learned response to a conditioned stimulus
technique brings fear reduction with pain, by using a pleasant stimulus with fear-evoking stimuli
systemic desensitizing
reducing fear through the presentation of increasingly more fearful stimuli, while the person remains relaxed
extinction ( extinction response recovery)
no more conditioned responses, because the conditioned stimulus isn’t associated with the unconditioned stimuli
spontaneous recovery ( extinction recovery response)
return of the extinguished conditioned response as a function of time passage
the tendency of the conditioned response being evoked by similar stimuli to the conditioned response
conditioned response to be evoked by only the conditioned stimuli but not similar
higher-order conditioning
neural stimuli become conditioned after being pained with an already conditioned stimulus
why are taste aversions unique?
adaptive because they motivate organisms to avoid harmful foods, conditioned & unconditioned stimuli are enough to create a conditioned response
any stimuli that increase the probability the next response will repeat
positive reinforcement
when presented a high frequency of behaviour proceeding it occurs
negative reinforcement
when removed high frequency of behaviour proceeding it
immediate reinforcer
done immediately following a behaviour
delayed reinforcer
doesn’t follow the behaviour
primary reinforcer
an unlearned reinforcer that fulfills basic survival needs ( food, water, warmth)
secondary reinforcer
conditioned reinforcer acquires value by association with established reinforcers ( money, grades)
an unpleasant stimulus suppresses the frequency of the following behaviour
negative punishment
removal of a pleasant stimuli
positive punishment
presentation of an unpleasant stimuli
timing in punishment
applied immediately following the misbehaviour
intensity in punishment
should not exceed the crime
consistency in punishment
be applied every time
extinction in punishment
operant behaviour ceases due to non-reinforcement
spontaneous recovery in punishment
the reappearance of operant behaviour after extinction
discriminative stimuli
indicates whether reinforcement or punishment follows
continuous reinforcement
schedule of reinforcement every correct response is reinforced
partial reinforcement
not every correct response is reinforced
interval schedules for reinforcement
reinforcement occurs after a certain period of time passes, fixed or variable interval schedule
ratio schedule
occurs after a number of responses are given, fixed or variable interval schedule
a procedure for teaching complex behaviour reinforces approximation of the desired behaviour
cognitive factors in learning
concepts like mental structures, schemas, templates, & information processing
latent learning
learning can occur absent of reinforcement ( E.L Holman)
contingency theory
learning can occur when the conditioned stimuli provide info to the unconditioned stimuli ( Robert Rescola’s )
observational theory
knowledge and skill are learned by observing others behaviour ( Albert Bandera)