Psychology- chapter 12 Flashcards
Psychological disorders
patterns of behaviour, connected with emotional distress or impairment in functioning
What are psychological disorders?
unusual behaviour, faulty perception, inappropriate emotional response, dysfunctional behaviour, dangerous behaviour, unacceptable behaviour
Classifying psychological disorders
diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorders, most widely classification scheme for psychological disorders
Psychological disorders : legal implications
no person is criminal responsible for an act committed while suffering from a mental disorder
neurodevelopment disorders
first appear in childhood, lifelong implications
impaired social interaction & communication, restrictive & repetitive behaviour intellectual & language development difficulties, 1% of the population
inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, 5% of children & 2.5% of adults
disturbances in thought, language, perception, attention, motor activity, mood, & social functioning
Schizoprenia positive symptoms
hallucinations, delusions, loose associations
Schizoprenia negative symptoms
lack of motivation, loss of pleasure in activities , social withdrawal
Schizoprenia causes
loss of grey matter, small prefrontal cortex, less activity in the prefrontal cortex, contributing factors may be heredity, complications in birth & pregnancy, greater paternal age, birth during winter, prenatal stress/ infections/ malnutrition, maternal diabetes
Schizoprenia psychological perspectives
family discoed & distress appear to contribute to the disorder, children raised in a socially unrewarding & abusive situation
Schizoprenia sociocultural perspectives
low socioeconomic status, quality of parenting
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
sadness, lack of energy, loss of self-esteem, inability to concentrate, loss of interest, pessimism , crying, thoughts of suicide
MDD symptoms
poor appetite, serious weight loss, agitation, delusions & hallucinations
bipolar disorder
mood shifts from mania to depression
females in depression
twice as likely to develop, lower levels of estrogen have been linked, cognitive vulnerability
Depression biological perspectives
genetics, underutilization of serotonin
Depression psychological perspectives
loss of environmental control , helplessness, perfectionism & unrealistic expectation factor, have internal/ stable/ & global attribution styles
suicide risk factors
depression , hopelessness, perfectionism , stressful life events, family members with psychological problems, family history of suicide
Anxiety disorders: phobias
specific phobia: irrational fear of specific object
social phobia: irrational & excessive fear of public scrutiny
agoraphobia: fear of open , crowded places
Panic disorder
attacks of extreme anxiety in absence of eliciting stimulus
Panic attack symptoms
SOB, heavy sweating, tremors, pounding of the heart, choking feeling, nausea, flushes & chills
Generalized anxiety disorder
persistent anxiety not attributed to objects/situations/ & activity
Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms
motor tension, autonomic overarousal , excessive vigilance
anxiety disorders biological perspectives
genetics, highly reactive autonomic system, faulty regulation of serotonin & nor-epic, inadequate levels of GABA
anxiety disorders psychological & social perspectives
conditioned fears acquired in childhood, observational learning, thinking to perpetuate panic attacks
obsessive-compulsive disorder
obsessions: recurrent anxiety thoughts or images
compulsive: thoughts or behaviours that reduce the anxiety, irresistible urges to repeat a behaviour
OCD: hoarding disorders
collect large quantités of items and have anxiety discarding them
OCD: body dysmorphic disorder
preoccupation with an imagined or exaggerated personal physical deficit, may go to extreme lengths to correct this deficit
OCD causes
strongly inherited, imbalance in serotonin/dopamine/ & nor-epi, neurological circuit implications
somatoform disorder: conversion disorder
major change in or loss in physical functioning with no medical reasoning, anxiety is converted into physical symptoms
somatoform disorder: hypochondriases
disorder where person believes they have a serious physical illness though no medical evidence suggests this
somatoform disorders: biophysical perspective
self-hypnosis, misinterpret & exaggerate normal physical sensations, enacting may bring benefits like a reduction of responsibilities
dissociative disorders: dissociative amnesia
marked by loss of memory, self Identification that can’t be attributed to a biological problem, amnesia can last for hours to days, individual can’t recall information
generalized amnesia
person forgets their entire life
dissociative fuge
loss of memory & self identification involves travelling to another place
Dissociative Disorders: depersonalization/derealization disorder
person experiences detachment from herself and her surroundings
Dissociative Disorders: dissociative identity disorder
2 or more identities each with distinct traits
dissociative disorders biophysical causes
people with these disorders attempt to keep bad memories out of mind, associated with severe sexual/ physical abuse,
Personality disorders: boderline personality disorder
instability in relationships, self-image, mood & impulse control, frequently combative towards others,
Personality disorder: antisocial personality disorder
fails to conform to lawful & ethical behaviour , no concerns for others , egocentric, deceitful , irresponsible, & manipulative, risk-taking behaviour, not deterred by punishment
personality disorders: avoidant personality disorders
unwillingness to enter relationships without assurance of acceptance, individual fails to establish close relationships outside of immediate family due to inadequacy, rejection/ criticism/ & embarrassment fears
personality disorders: narcissistic personality disorder
efforts to build up self-worth through attention seeking & approval of others, self-centred fail to understand feelings of others
personality disorder: obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
difficulty with interpersonal relationships due to rigid perfectionism & inflexibility, expects others to adhere to impossible behavioural guidelines
personality disorder: schizotypal personality disorder
peculiarities in thought/ perception & behaviour impairs social relationships, , schizophrenia behaviours are absent in individuals
personality disorder biological causes
twin & adoption studies suggest genetic factors influence antisocial behaviour, less grey matter in the prefrontal cortex
personality disorder psychological factors
certain childhood experiences contribute, miscode social information
personality disorder sociocultural
borderline personality may develop as a result of living in a fragmented society or on the margins of society