Psychology- Chapter 13 Flashcards
an interaction between therapist & client affects clients thoughts/ feelings/behaviour in an effort to help overcome the psychological disorder
past treatment
believed to be possession, exorcism/execution for treatments
institutions for mentally sick, warehousing not treatment
community mental health movement goals
treat psychological disorders individuals, provide community with education & resources
psychoanalytic therapies
Sigmund Freud developed, view psychological problems from early childhood
traditional psychoanalysis aim
provide insight into unconscious conflicts as root of persons problems
interpersonal psychotherapy
clients current relationships rather than childhood, direct alleviation of negative emotions
humanistic therapies
focus on subjective, conscious experiences, deal with what client is currently experiencing
humanistic therapies: client-centered therapy
Karl Rogers developed, warm non-direct therapy to encourage self exploration & expression,,
Gesalt therapy
originated by Fritz Perls, people experience conflict by disowning parts of themselves, aims for the individual to integrate conflicting parts of personality, directive methods so client can perceive whole
Behaviour therapy
directly promote desired behaviour change, conditioning principles
fear-reduction method: systemic desensitization
developed by Jospeh Wolfe, exposed to a series of images organized from least to fear evoking while relaxing
fear-reduction method: virtual therapy
technology to represent a traumatic setting, exposure is provided in gradualy
fear-reduction method: flooding
fear is presented in full intensity until the fear has diminished
fear-reduction: modelling
client observes & imitates a person who approaches & copes with the object or situation feared
aversive conditioning
undesired responses are inhibited by pairing repungent or offensive stimuli with them
Rapid smoking
method in which smokers are forced to inhale rapidly over a prolonged period of time , overexposure leads to an adverse conditioned stimuli
operant conditioning procedures
reinforcement & punishment to teach adaptive behaviours & extinguish problematic behaviours
Operant conditioning procedures: token economy
reinforced for desired behaviours with tokens that can be exchanged for privileges
operant conditioning : successive approximations
progressive behaviour systemically reinforced until target behaviour is achieved
operant conditioning: biofeedback training
feedback about a bodily function, so person can gain control of function
eye-movement desensitization & reprocessing (EMDR)
to treat stress disorders, clients visually follow a moving finger while keeping their traumatic events in mind
social skills training
decreases social anxiety by, self monitoring, behaviour rehearsal, coaching, modelling, role-playing, feedback
cognitive therapies
focus on thoughts/beliefs/attitudes/ & expectations that leas to distress
Aaron Beck’s cognitive therapy
encourages client to gain awareness of current cognitions & see their irrational current ways of thinking, by selective perception, overgeneralization, magnification, absolute thinking
rational emotive behaviour therapy
developed by Albert Ellis, peoples beliefs about events shape their perceptions, therapists goal is to challenge & correct maladaptive behaviour & irrational expectations
toward a cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
integration of both behaviour & cognitive therapies
Group therapies: advantages
economical, more experience, social support, reassurance from others, hope from those with improvement, relating to others
Group therapies: disadvantages
unable/ unwilling to disclose in a group setting, confidentiality issues, clients may not feel supported
couple therapy
help enhance relationships through improved communication & management of conflict
family therapy
help families develop adaptive patterns of interaction & communication, promotes growth of each family member, enhance functionality of a family unit as a whole
psychoanalytic therapy better for what disorders
anxiety, depression, & interpersonal relationships
CBT for what disorders?
anxiety, somatoform, bulimia, anger-control issues
asian Canadians in psychotherapy
stigmatize people with psychological disorders, many deny problem, may not believe in western approach
aboriginal Canadians in psychotherapy
loss of culture & Identification is related to problems
Black Canadians in psychotherapy
therapists may need to be sensitive to the effects of possible prejudice & discrimination
antianxiety drugs
used for generalized anxiety disorder & panic attacks, decrease SNS
antipsychotic drugs
block dopamine receptors in the Brain
increase levels of certain neurotransmitters
for bioloar disorder
light therapy
used to treat seasonal affective disorder
electroconvulsive therapy
used to treat major depression & bipolar disorder , patients are given a sedative & put to sleep, electrodes are attached to the scalp & they induce seizures
transcranial magnetic stimulation
electromagnetic coil placed on scalp generates a magnetic field stimulated brain neurons, for treatment of major depressive disorders, obsessive depressive disorders & schizophrenia
prefrontal lobotomy
severing of connection of frontal lobe to rest of the brain, for violence & agitation
deep brain stimulation (DBS)
electrodes placed on brain deliver electrical pulses, for treatment of OCD and depression who no longer respond to drugs