Psychoanalysis pt.2 Flashcards
What is the Anal stage of development?
where the physical focus of the libido is located in the anus and assiciated organs of elimination. Learning the sensations of having to go and dealing with them approperiately are important tasks.
The child will also figure out just how much power the authority figures around the child really have.
What part of the mind develops with the anal stage??
The ego. iits the egos job to mediate between what the child wants and what is actually possible
What is the primary psychological theme of the anal stage?
Self control and obediance
Psychological mishaps at the anal stage produce the adult ______ ________, whose personality becomes organized around _____ ________.
Anal character; control issues
what are the two personality extremes of the anal character
1) the kind of person that tries to control every aspect of life and oftem seens equally happy to submit to an authority figure, they also cant tollerate disorganization
2) little or no self control, cant do anything ontime, chaotic or disorganzied, and has a compulsive need to defy authority
what is the Phallic stage of development?
The realization that boys and girls are different (boys have penises and girls dont). Boys fall psychially and emotionally in love w their mothers at this stage and fear their fathers jelousy. Each child also identifies with the same sex parent. This occurs from ages 3 1/2 - 7
What is the psychological theme of the Phallic stage?
Gender identity and sexuality
What is it called when a child uses their mother or father as examples on attitudes, values, and ways of relating to the opposite sex?
What part of the brain develops more with the pallic stage of development?
The Superego
An underdeveloped or overdeveloped superego yields the adult type of the phallic character, what is this person like?
They lack a moral code altogether
What is the Genital stage of development?
The focus of thr libido is on the genitals and the process of reproduction, the creation an enhancement of life.
What is the psychological theme of the genital stage?
According to Freud, what is the definition of mental health?
To love and to work
What is it called when libido energy is left behind at a certain stage
What is it called when a person retreats to an earlier more immature stage of psychosexual development/
What stage has a psychological theme of obedience and control?
Anal stage
The oral phase is associated with adult character types of _________ or extreme _________
dependance or extreme independence
what is the difference between Primary process thinking and Secondary process thinking?
Primary = the way the unconscious mind operates manifested by the id
Secondary = conscious processes of thought (literally thinking alone) that appears only as the ego begins to develop
What is it called when you compress several ideas into one
eg. an image of a house or of a woman might consolidate a complex set of memories
What is it called where in primary thinking, one thing stands for another
According to Freud, what are the 3 levels of consciousness?
At the top is Conscious mind =
Then its the Preconscious = ideas your not thinking about at the moment but you could bring it into you conscious easily
At the bottom its the unconscious = contains all of the id, superego, and most of the ego (most important part)
What are defense mechanisms?
mechanisms of the ego that serve to protect the person from experiencing anxiety
What is it called when a person refuses to believe bad news or other knowledge that might make one anxious?
What is it called when a person banishes the past from current awareness
What is it called when a person defends ones peace of mind by creating the opposite idea
eg. a boy bullying a girl because hes attracted to her
Reaction formation
What is it called when someone displaces their feelings onto a different person/animal/object
What is it called when someone comes up with a reational explanation for doing what one wants without acknowledging the real motivation
eg. you have to be crul to be kind
What is it called when someone translates anxiety producing thoights into concepts that puts emotions at a distance
eg. repeatedly listing the benefits of being single instead of facing the pain of rejection after a breakup
What is Displacement?
Moving the object of ones emotions from a dangerous target to a safe one
eg. kicking the wall instead of your manager
What is Sublimation?
turning dangerous anxiety producing impulses towards constructive ends
eg. someone who likes to argue a lot becomes a lawyer
What is the main goal of psychoanayltic therapy?
To make people aware of the things that are causing them anxiety so that they can deal with them consciously and logically
What is Transference?
The tendency to bring ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that developed toward one important person into a later relationship with a different person.
What is it called when a therapist and patient form an emotional bond?
Therapeutic alliance
What are 5 critiques of the psychoanalytic theory?
1) Its too complex
2) Freud only got his ideas from cased studies
3) Isnt specific enough and doesnt include operational definitions (cant test his ideas in a scientific way)
4) His ideas are untestible
5) His ideas are expremely sexist