Introduction Methods (class notes) Flashcards
“Personality” is a Construct, what is a construct?
Its an idea about a psychological attribute that goes beyond what might be assessed through any particular method od assessment
examples: intelligence, motivation, anxiety, fear
What is the difference between a Conceptual definition, and an Operational definition
A conceptual definition is a description of something in terms of what it means and an operational definition is a description of something in terms of the operations it can be measured by
Conceptual: self esteem is the overal evaluation of oneself
operational: a self esteem scale
What is a Behavioroid?
A type of data where participants report what they think they would do under various circumstances
What is reliability
The tendancy of an instrument to privide the same comapratrive imformation on repeated occasions
What is Measurement Error?
the variation of a number around its true mean due to uncontrolled random infleunces (there will always be some error)
How do you improve reliability? (4 things)
1) Care
2) Standardize research protocal
3) Measure something thats important to the particiapnt
4) Aggregating (multiple measurements is more reliable than one)
What is the “Spearman-Brown formula”
A mathematical formula that predicts the degree to which the reliability of a test can be improved by adding more items (helps reduce error)
What is Validity?
The degree to which a measure actually measures what its intended to measure
What is Construct Validity?
Does the measure reflect the intended construct?
What is Criterion Validity?
How acurately a test measures the outcome it was designed to measure (predicting manifestations)
What is Convergent Validity?
Does the measure relate to similar constructs? (does it match with other tests that measures same/simialr things)
What is Discriminant Validity
Does the measure not predict different constructs??
What is Face Validity?
Does the measure appear to refelct the intended construct?
What are some Considerations for Validity?
1) the same measure that has been validated in one culture might not be valid for another, they may vary in meaning
2) response sets (someone responding ina. way that paints a picture of someone they wish to be and not who they really are) destroy validity
What is the difference between reliability and validiity?
Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure (whether the results can be reproduced under the same conditions). Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure (whether the results really do represent what they are supposed to measure).