Psych Chapter 2 Flashcards
receive info from other neurons
sends info to other neurons
terminal buttons
release neurotransmitters
myelin sheath
covers and insulates the axon
nodes of rancier
gaps in sheath
small gap between terminal buttons of one neuron and dendrites of another neuron
neurons communicate…
electrical signals occur..
within the neuron (action potential)
chemical signals occur… between neurons
between neurons (neurotransmitter)
molecule that carries an electric charge
Process of Neural communication
neuron is stimulated by the environment
cellmembrane becomes permeable
leads to a rapid increase in charge
when it reaches a threshold, releases action potential down axon
AC reaches the terminal button
TB releases a neurotransmitter into synapse
NT binds to receptor cites on post synaptic neurons
Action Potential
brief electrical charge that travels down the axon
refractory period
brief period after action potential when the neuron cannot fire
Neuro transmitter
chemical that transmits electrical acticity
muscle action, learning, memory
sleep and mood regulation, appetite, temperature, pain supression
voluntary movement, though, emotion, reward, pleasure
reduce pain increase pleasure
natural opiates
central nervous system
CNS, brain and spinal chord