Chapter 8 Flashcards
persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information
stage model
snesory memory- short term memory- long term memory
sensory memory
immediate, very brief recording of sensory info
holds everything in an accurate form
very brief
echoic memory
auditory sensory memory
iconic memory
visual sensory memory
short term memory
temporarily maintains info from sensory memory for transfer into LTM,
limited duration,
limited capacity
working memory
expanded form of STM, includes processing compontents
automatic processing
unconscious encoding of information
space, time, frequency, well-learned information, recalling a day
effortful porcessing
maintenance rehearsal, rout repetition, not effective`
serial position effect
primacy effect
recency effect
elaborative rehersal
associating new info with other info and or prior knowledge
imagery, rhymes
method of Loci
connecting info with a familiar location
level of processin gmodel
deeper processing leads to longer retention
shallow, moderate, deep- semantic encoding
long term memory
relatiely permanent and limitless storehouse
large capacity/ duration
nondeclaritive memory
knowing how, memory for performance of actions/ skills
implicit memory
difficult to explain
declaritive memory
memory for facts, rules, concepts, events
knowing that
explicit memory
easy to explain