PS5: memory Flashcards
process of committing new information to memory
controlled processing
aka effortful processing; active encoding, in which we consciously label pieces of info to be memorized
automatic processing
encoding without explicitly labeling info to be encoded
semantic encoding
process of putting things into a meaningful context to help store it in one’s memory
self-reference effect
info that is most pertinent to one’s past experience is most easily encoded and retrieved
visual encoding
info is stored in diagrams and figures
auditory encoding
storage of info in sound
maintenance rehearsal
process of repeating info to store it in memory
developing acronyms and rhymes that consolidate lists of info
method of loci
organizing info in a list and associating each item with a spatial location in an imagined physical space
organizing info by associating words with images
organizing lists of info into smaller groups
the creation of made-up stories to fill in gaps in our memory
source-monitoring error
when details of an event are correctly remembered, but the origin of context of the info is incorrectly attributed
misinformation effect
when information or context drastically changes the perception of an event
sensory memory
info that is received from the environment by the senses