Prokaryotic Genetics in Nature Flashcards
how do prokaryotes reproduce
binary fission to produce geentically identical offspring
how are prokaryotes the masters of adaptation
-prokaryotes are not genetically stagnant
-they mutate, exchange genes etc
-a heritable change in the DNA sequence of a genome
-includes substituions mutations insertions deletions - any change
-organism whose genome carriea a mutation
wild type strain
-strain isolates from nature and or one being used as the parental strain i a genetic study
-the term wildtype can also be applied to a single
the complete genetic makeup of an organism
an observale characteristic of an organism
-there can be many different sorts of phenotypes, metabolic virulence or morphology
mutants in prokaryotic genetics
-in prokaryotic genetics we seek to make mutations
-resulting mutant strains have a different genotype compared to the WT
-it is then common to test to see if the wild type mutant strains have different pehnotypes
natural mutation rate
10^-6–>10^-7 per 100bp per round of replication for prokaryotes
-average gene is around 100bp so each round of replication will introduce a mutation to a given gene in one of every 1-10million cells
-large enough numbers of bacteria in a population you will likely have some genetic diversity in each gene
horizontal gene transfer
-acquiring new genetic material from the environment plays a bugger role than mutations in prokaryotic evolution
3 major ways foreign DNA can enter a prokaryotic cell
-transformation, trasnduction, conjugation
once inside the cell DNA can
be degreaded or lost, replicate as a seperate entity like phages or plasmids
-be integrates into the chromosome through recombination or transpoition
-free floatinf DNA is incorportes into a recipeient cell and brings about genetic changge
-comes from variety of sources
-often comes from lysed cells within their environment
-cell capable of taking up free DNA
-some bacteria and archaea are naturally comptent others are not
-competence is often tightly regulated
-many bacteria can be made competitent in the lab
how is DNA captured and cross the membrane in transformation
-DNA from environmnet is captured by pili which retract through outer membrane and cell wall
-one strand of DNA typically degraded and other strand passed through cytoplasmic membrane and into cell via multi protein competance system