Chemolithotrophs and Phototrophs Flashcards
-get their energy from oxidizing inorganic molecules
-prokaryotes only
-many are extremophils
-many use O2 as an external electron acceptor
-mostly autotroph - fix CO2. Need a great deal of reducing power for biosynthetic rxn
common electron donors
-H2S, H2, Fe 2+, NH4+
ralstonia eutropha
-gram negative
-can grow as a chemolithoautotroph on H2, CO2, and O2 - aerobic conditions
-produces two hydrogenase that split H2 to H+ (oxidize H2) and donate electrons to produce ATP/NADH
-oxidize H2 and donate electrons to produce ATP/NADH
-membrane bound - donates electrons to reduces quinones to ETC - generates proton motive force
-soluble cytoplasmic enzyme that reduces NAD+ to NADH - generates reducing power for biosynthetic reactions
Ralstonia eutroph ETC
oxidation of sulfure compounds
-common electron donors: hydrogen sulfide, elemental sulfr, thiosulfate, sulfite
-final oxidation product typically sulfate
-elemntal sulfur can be stored in the cell
-high energy electrons funneled inti ETC generates ETC and PMF
-use light energy instead of chemical reactions to drive electron flow - generate a PMF to produce ATP
-ATP generated by photophorylation
-some oxygenic others aoxygenic
-most phototrophs are autotrophs, but rare phototrophs that get carbon from organic molecule Z(photoheterotrophs)
oxygenic vs aoxygenic
-oxygenic generate O2 as a biproduct of photosynthesis (cyanobacteria, algae)
-anoxygenic do not generate O2. These evolved first (gree sulfure bacters, phototrophic purple bacteria
photosynthetic reation centers
-complexes of proteins and pigments where electrons are excited and transferred to ETC
-light sensitive pigments absorb light and transfer energy to ETC: chlorophylls for for oxygenic phototrophs or bacteriochlorophylls for anoxygenix phototrophs
antenna pigments
-light harvesting complexes of bacteriochlorphylls that capture light energy and transfer to reaction center
embedded in or associated with the membrane
bacteriochlorophyll types
different pigments with different absorbtions ranges allow ifferent phototrophs to coexisst in the same habitat- make use of light others cant use
purple bacteria
-photosynthetic reaction center contains bacteriochlorophyll (P870) that absorb light energy
-P870 goes from weak electron donor to very strong electron donor
-P870 donates electrons to quinone, enters ETC and generates PMF - ATP synthase makes ATP
-electrons cycle back to P870 to return to its original state - cyclic photophosphylation
-Q type reaction center
electron flow
-not all anoxygenic phototrophs have cyclic electron flow - some transfer electrons to external electron acceptor
FES type
-electrons transfer to Fe/S cluster carrier - lower E, stronger electron donor therefore higher energy output
reducing power
-need to make NADPH for biosynthetic rxns
-electrons for this ultimately come from an external electron donor like H2S-enter quinone pool
-Q-type E not not low enough to reduce NAD+ - use reverse electron flow to do this
reverse electron transport
-some autotrophs lack an electron donor with a more negative reduction potenital than NAD+/NADH - how to generate reducing power? Reverse electron transport
-use PMF to drive electrons in opposite direction in ETC to reduce NADP to NADPH
oxygenic phototrophs
-two distinct photocenters - Photsystem I (PSI or P700 - FeS type) and photosystem II (PSII, or P680, Q type)
-rxn centers also found in membranes
-chloroplasts contain sacks of thyakoid membranes which contain photosynthetic rxn centers
-phototrophic eukaryotes like algae contain chloroplasts
-chloroplasts evolved from cyanobacteria
eukaryotes rxn center
-chloroplast thylakoid membranes
cyanobacteria rxn center
-specialized lamellar or thylakoid membranes
oxygenix phototrophs(PSII)
PSII excited by light and transfers electrons to ETC and becomes highly electropositive
-can accept electrons from water to geenrate hydrogen an d oxygen
-P680 now back to original state and can be excited again
-electrons from PSII passed to quinones, down ETC generating PMF. Ultimately low energy electrons transferred to PSI
oxygenic phototroph (PSI)
-PSI (P700), excited by light, transfers electrons recieved from PSII. Ultimately these electrons used to reudce NADP to NADPH
-NADPH subsequently used as electron source for biosynthetic rxn - CO2 fixation
-CO2 ultimate electron acceptor
electron flow of oxygenic phototroph