Movement of Bacteria Flashcards
the ability to propel your own movement
are all bacteria motile
no, for example yersinia pestis
-loss of y.pestis motility may contribute to virulence?
-the flagellum complex multi-protein machine that powers bacterial movement
-around 50 proteins involved in flagellum
-includes a long, thin, filament that acts like propeller
-rotated using a motor that is anchored in the cell envelope
–swim through fluids
-can also be used for swarming (solid surface)
different arrangments of flagella
-petrichous (many across pole and body)
-monotrichous (single at the pole)
-lophotrichous (many all at the pole)
-amphitricous (both poles)
-atrichous (no flagella)
petrichous flagella movement
-longer runs - counterclockwise - cell moves forward
-short tumbles - clockwise - tumbles and assumes new position
what dictates direction of movement
-motor switching from CCW to CW
monotrichous flagella movement
-reversible flagellum - rotation in opposite direction reverses firection of movement
-unidirectional flagella - rotation stops and starts, random movement during stops changes direction of bacterium
3 segments of flagellum
-filament - long thin propeller
-hook - adaptor that connects filament to basal body
-basal body - core of the structure and powers rotation of filaments
flagellar motor
-proton motor force
->20 proteins anchored in cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall
-central rod passes through MS ring, C ring P ring and L ring
-stator couples flow of protons to rotation of MS ring (proton turbine)
-MS ring rotates rod and ultimately hook and filament
-L/P rings act like bearings to help rotation
what is the C ring important for
-generating torque, switching motor direction, and flagellin secretion
what do gram positive flagellum lack
P/L rings, they only have C/MS rings
flagellar filament
-long filament that drives movment is mafe of thousands of copies of a single protein called flagellin
-very long and narrow
-rigid helical and hollow
-conserved in bacterial flagella but its sequence varies
-detected by our immune system and is an important antigen
-often used in serotyping (h antigen)
synthesis of the flagellum by bacteria
-the overall structure is built from the inside out
-innermost stuff assembles first
-flagellin grows from outside
-produces in cytoplasm and is secrteed through flagellum via hollow filament
-new subunit assembles at end with help of cap proteins
type III secretion system
-used to export flagellin
-a related system is used as a protein toxin injection system by certian pathogens
variations of flagellar motility
-some bacteria have motors that use the Na gradietn instead of PMF
-spirochetes have a flagellum that resides in periplasm resulting in corkscrew motion of entire bacterium
-flagellzf motility highly regulated even motile bacteria can adopt atrichous non-motile state
-directed movement of bacteria
-accomplished using a bias random walk
-movement in the direction of gradient of incrrsdomh or decreasing concentration
-chemoreceptors detect specific chemicals
-pass info on to proteins that control direction of the motor
-if moving toward desirable nutrient tumbles are inhibited, longer runs less frequent tumbles
-if moving away shorter runs more frequent tumbles
-moveement toward/away fro, light
-detectors for light
-directed motility in response to O2
twitching motility
-some bacteria can move using other typees of motility
-type IV pilus attaches to a surface and then retracts
-like a grappling hook