energetics and Redox reactions Flashcards
metabolic requirements for all life
-liquid water
-a source of energy to do work
-a source of electrons for biochemical reactions
nutrients for life
-all cells need a uable source of basic elements (CNPS)
-cells also need other elements that serve essential cell functions
-many microbes have evo.ved in envionments where essential molecules are avaliable and lost the ability to make them
-use CO2
-takes a lot of energy
-moth chelithotrophs and phototrophs
-primary producers synthesize the organic molecules that heterotrophs use
-obtain carbon from organic compounds
-nearly all chemoorganotrophs
where do microbes get there energy diagram
-energy currency of the cell
-hydrolysis of ATP to ADP used to power synthesis of cell components and power other cellular functions
-many ATPase enzymes in the cell
-ATPase couple energy of ATP hydrolysis to perform other reactions
-energy can be conseeved in PEP , Acetyl CoA, Acetyl phosphate and glucose 6 phosphate as well
-series of biochemical reactions needed to sustain life
-reaction to obtain energy and break down complex molecules
-reactions used to synthesize cellular material
Gibbs free energy
-free energy of a reaction under standard conditions
-can be calculated based on nature of reactants and products
-negative: exergoinc, spontaneous, reactants have more nergy than products
-positive: reactants have less energy than products, endergoinc, not spontaneous
actual gibbs free energy is affefcted by
-concentration of substrates
-concentration of products
hig concentration of products does what to K value and G values
-high K value
-increase G value
aerobic respiration of glucose
-releases 2895kJ of energy
-ATP production requires 31.8Kj.mole
-could produce up to 91 moles of ATP per ole of glucose
-actually produces 28 moles because its not under standard conditions and reactions are not 100% efficient
redoci reaction
-source of electrons
-electrons transferred from high energy state to lower energy state
-basis for much cell metabolism - source of energy for chemotrophs
-even phototrophic bacteria need a source of electrons to caryr out anabolic reactions in the cell
-electrons are at a lower energy state when they are associated with more electronegative atoms
basic idea of pf redox reactions and source of electrons
-glucose is greta source of high energy electrons (neighter C-H bonds are especially electronegative)
-oxygen is a great electron sink an dleaves electrons at low energy state
-energy released by electrons moving to lower energy state
redox tower
-many possible redox couples
-glucose and CO2 are an example of a redox couple
-glucose is reduced form and CO2 is the oxidized form
-by convention its written as oxidized form/reduced form
-ifferent half reactions can be combined into different reactions
-redox tower tells you which reodx couple is the elctron donor and how much energy. is released
order of the redox tower
-redox couples with more negative values have stronger tendency to act as electon donors
-reodx couples with more positive values have strong tendency toa ct as electron acceptor
using the redox tower
using the redox tower pt 2
using redox tower part 3
electron carriers
-tranfer from intiial electron donor to ultimate acceptor over many metabolic reactions
-soluble electron carriers like NAD+/NADH used to shuttle electrons around cell
-NAD+ is oxidizing agent
-NADH is reducing agent
-NADPH = reducing power used to power ATP syntehsis or build cell materials
electronc carruers
-NAD+/NADH are enzymatic cofactors
-allow eelectons in one reaction- stored in NADH- and acdepted in different reaction
-they are soluble
electron carrire photo
summary of redox