Environmental Effects on Microbial Growth Flashcards
higher temperature effects on growth and survival
-increasing rates of enzymatic reactions, but at a point, proteins start to denature, the membrane loses integrity etc
lower temperature effect on growth and survival
-reactions proceed very slowly, membrane fluidity becomes an issue and transport is ineffieicent
-optimal growth rate below 15 C
most of the commonly studied widespread organisms
-grow at intermediate temperatures
-ecoli and salmonella
-optimal growth greater than 45C
-optimal growth rate greater than 80C
-grow optimally at low temperatures
-organisms can grow at low temperatures but grow optimally as mesophiles
when are many psychophiles killed
-room temperature kills them
adaptations of psychrophilrd
-proteins have different elements to permit proper folding at low temps -fewer rigid structural elements to remain flexible
-cell membrane phospholipids have increased SCFA and unsaturated fatty acids to allow it to remain fluid
-cold shock proteins to help protein/RNA folding at low tempeprtatures
-cryptoprotectants such as anti-freeze proteins to prevent ice formation
does cold always kill other organisms
-no, just prevent growth
-bacteria are commonly stored at -80C in 10% glycerol or 10% DMSo solution
what domain of life grows at temperatures above 60C
-certain bacteria can grow up to 95C
-certain archaea can grow up to 122C
thermophiles and hyperthermophiles adaptations to high temperatures
-protein strcuture adjustments, increased numbers and strength of intramolecular interactions
-heat stabalizing solutes are produced to high levels to help support protein structure
-fatty acids are longer and more saturated (archaea using lipid monolayer helps at higher temp)
-heat stable enzymes from these organism have signifcant commercial utility (PCR needs heat stable DNA polymerase)
-acidophiles thrive in acidic environments
-acid-tolerance prefer nuetral pH
-prefer a pH>8
-some grow at pH up to 12
cytoplasmic pH of acidphiles and alkaliphiles
-varies in these organisms but is generally maintained by a range of strategies
stomach pH
-important barrier that protects from infection
-acid tolerance of enteric pathogens has infleunce on infective dose
-V cholera < salmonella< shigella
-buffering (increasing) pH of stomach can lead to lower infectious dose
osmolarity and microbial growth/suribval
-higher concentrations of solutes in environment leads to water leaving the cell causing shrinking and dehydration
-low concentration of solutes in the enviornmnet - water flows into cell - cell can burst
-salt concentration most signifcant osmotic factor in nature
-live in high salt environmnets
-extreme halophiles typically require high salt concentrations in order to survive
compatible solutes
-key strategy for high solute environments: increase cytoplasmis solute concentration and prevent dehydration
-compatible solutes are solutes produced for this purpose. must be able to accumulate to high levels without interfering with cells biochemical processes
-highly water soluble and inert
-KCl common for extreme halophiloc archea
-AA common for nonphototropic bacteria
obligate aerobes
-oxygen required
-aerobic respiration
facultative aerobes
-oxygen not required but growth better with O2
-aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration and fermentation
microaerophilic aerobes
-oxygen required but at levels lower than atmospheric
-aerobic respiration
aertolerant anaerobes
-oxygen not required and growth no better with O2 present
obligate anaerobes
-Oxygen lethal
anoxic environments
-in these environments O2 respiration provides no advantage
-O2 not reactive or toxic but presence of O2 reactive oxygen species are geenrtated through reduction of O2
-aerobic/ aerotolerant organisms produce enzymes to detoxify these molecules
adaptation recurring themes
-archaea especially have been able to adapt and thrive in any extreme environment
-adapting to extremes generally means being poorly adaptied to more moderate conditions
-tolerance is not the same thing as thriving