Professional Conduct (Financial Services) Flashcards
Who can give financial advice?
- Provision of financial advice and services is regulated by the PRA and FCA
- Under FSMA, no person can carry out a regulated activity unless authorised to do so.
- Lawyers must ensure they do not give advice relating to finance unless authorised to do so.
Step 1: Is the activity a specified investment?
FSMA Decision Tree (Financial Advice)
- Shares
- Pensions
- Bonds
- Insurance Contract Rights
If yes > Step 2
Step 2: Is there a specified activity?
FSMA Decision Tree (Financial Advice)
Is the activity relating to the investment specified?
- Dealing in investment
- Arranging deals in investment
- Advising on the merits of investment
For example, to ‘advise on the merits’ you must give advice requiring an element of opinion and recommendation. Generic advice on investment (e.g. explaining types of share classes) is not advice on merits.
If yes > Step 3
Step 3: Is there an exclusion available?
FSMA Decision Tree (Financial Advice)
A. Necessary Part Exclusion: The activity is a necessary part of other services provided as a lawyer - You cannt use this exclusion for contracts of insurance.
*for example, when selling a leasehold flat it may involve a transfer of a share, although this is a specified investment, arranging the sale is needed for the property work.
B. Sale of a Body Corproate Exclusion - Excluded if the activity is for the sale of a corporate body where…
i. Shares being sold are 50% or moreof the voting shares; or
ii. The shares, together with shares already held by the purchases are t0% or more of the voting shares; or
iii. The object may be regarded as an acquision of day to day control of the affairs of the body.
C. Authorised Persons Exception: The client is entering the transaction on advice given by a financial advisor who is authorised by the FCA.
If yes > Step 4
Step 4: What happens if FSMA seems to state authoirisation is needed?
FSMA Decision Tree (Financial Advice)
- Obtain direct authorisarion by FCA; or
This isn’t needed if…
a. The person is a member of a profession
b. Does not recieve payment/commission unless client otherwise agrees
c. Activities are incidental
If (a)-(b) are satisied, no direct authorisation is needed and need only act in accordance with below….
If (a)-(b) are not satisfied (for example, the advise is not incidental but about the entire investment, authorisation by FCA is needed)
2. Be supervised by Designated Professional Body (SRA)
- Comply with SRA scope of rules
- authorised by SRA
- comply with code of conduct
You cannot offer shares to the public without an approved prospectus. When can you bypass this?
Where the offer is made to fewer than 150 persons.
Your client has decided to purchase bonds in a public listed company on the advice of her FCA authorised financial advisor.
Can you make the necessary arrangements if neither you nor your firm are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to carry on a ‘regulated activity’?
The specified investment is arranging deals in investments
However the exclusion of arranging deals through an authorised person applies because the client is entering the transaction on the advice of her financial advisor who is authorised by the FCA.
Your client recently sold a business for a substantial profit.
She is seeking advice on two issues.
- Firstly, she would like you to assist her with a cash purchase of a holiday cottage in Cornwall.
- Secondly, she would like some advice in relation to setting up a personal pension scheme.
Neither you nor your firm are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to carry on a regulated activity.
Are you able to give the client the advice requested?
You can only advise the client about purchasing the holiday cottage, provided you are competent to do so.
The pension scheme is a specified investment under Article 82 ROA, therefore you cannot advise on the pension scheme unless one of the exemptions applies or you are an authorised person.
If a solicitor is instructed in relation to a will trust, who should CDD be carried out in relation to?
Trustees and also the beneficiaries of the trust.
Can solicitors manage share portfolios for trustees of a trust?
The Regulated Activities Order 2001 provides an exclusion for the management of investments by trustees, provided the trustees comply with the conditions of the exclusion. correct
If beneficiaries wish to collapse a trust formed of shares, can a solicitor sell the shares?
The sale of the shares is a necessary part of the winding up of the trust and is therefore an exempt activity. correct
Are tangible assets specified investment under the RAO?
For example, advising a client to invest the proceeds of sale in a yacht would not constitute a regulated activity.
Are premium bonds specified investments?
A solciitor can assist with investments relating to premium bonds.
What is a GILT and can a solicitor assist with sale/purchase?
Government bonds (also known as gilts in the UK) are a specified investment
Therefore, if the client decided to invest in gilts—that is, government bonds—this could constitute a regulated activity.
Can a solicitor arrange an inruance policy for a client?
Arranging an insurance policy is considered a regulated activity.
When can a law firm relty on the FSMA ‘sale of a body corporate’ exclusion?
If the shares being acquired consist of at least 50% of the voting shares in the company.
How can a firm carry on or propose to carry on insurance distribution activities (e.g. for restrictive covenants?)
It must
* Be registered on the Financial Services Register
* Appoint an insurance distribution officer
* Notify the SRA in prescribed form.
To rely on the FSMA ‘necessary’ activity exemption, can the activity be remunerated?
It must not be remunerated seperately from the other services provided.