Business (Shareholders) Flashcards
What are the membership rights under the Articles
(s.33 CA)?
Shareholder decisions are usually taken by majority rule.
An ordinary resolution will pass with 51% or more support, while a special resolution needs 75% or more.
What is the effect of s.33 CA 2006?
Members can sue under s.33 CA 2006 if their membership rights are infringed.
The usual remedy for breach is damages, but the Articles do not concern personal rights and obligations.
What are examples of membership rights?
- The right to a dividend once declared
- To share in surplus capital on winding up
- To vote at meetings
- To receive notice of GMs and AGMs.
What if the right is not a membership right?
- Ask the court to prevent a breach of directors’ duties
- Commence a derivative claim
- Bring a petition for unfair prejudice
- Bring a petition for just and equitable winding up
What is the purpose of Shareholder Agreements?
Shareholder Agreements govern company operations with provisions not allowed in Articles, creating a contract that defines how shareholders interact.
Provisions constitute personal rights and obligations.
How are Shareholder Agreements enforced?
Terms can be enforced under general contract law principles, allowing claims for breach of contract or injunctions to prevent future breaches.
How are amendments to Shareholder Agreements made?
Amendments require unanimous approval of all parties, giving minority parties a veto right.
What are examples of provisions in Shareholder Agreements?
Provisions may include unanimous voting on director removal, quorum for GMs, dividend policies, and allotment of new shares.
What is a removal resolution?
Shareholders can propose a removal resolution to remove a director by notifying the Board.
What is the special notice period for a removal resolution?
At least 28 clear days before the General Meeting where the resolution will be voted on.
What is the Board’s response to a removal resolution?
The Board can either place the resolution on the agenda or decide not to.
The resolution must be sent to the director being removed.
What happens if the removal resolution is placed on the GM agenda?
Shareholders must be given at least 14 clear days notice of the removal resolution. If impractical, notice may be given via newspaper.
However, note that subsection (4) ‘saving provision’ states that a passed ordinary resolution is valid even if the special notice period is not observed (i.e only need 14 days not 28)
When making a removal resolution, what happens if the 28 day notice period isn’t observed but the shareholders are given 14 days clear notice?
Subsection (4) ‘saving provision’ states that a passed ordinary resolution is valid even if the special notice period is not observed (i.e only need 14 days not 28)
What if the Board does not place the removal resolution on the GM agenda?
Directors are not bound to place the resolution on the agenda. They may refuse.
Shareholders may need to force the directors to call a general meeting in accordance with s.303 CA.
What is a s.303 request?
Shareholders holding at ** least 5% of paid-up voting share capital** can serve a request on the Board to call a GM.
What must directors do upon receiving a s.303 request?
Directors must** call the GM within 21 days** and hold it no more than 28 days after the notice.
What if the directors do not cooperate with the s.303 request?
If the directors fail to call the GM after the s.303 request, Shareholders can call the GM themselves ensuring …
* At least 14 clear days notice
* It is held within 3 months of the request.