Disputes (Pre-Action) Flashcards
What are the aims of Pre-Action Conduct?
The ‘Cards on the Table’ approach encourages parties to resolve disputes without going to court.
It promotes ADR and assessing positions before proceedings.
What are the consequences of non-compliance with Pre-Action Conduct?
Non-compliance may impact costs and interest —costs may increase or awarded amounts may decrease.
The court may also stay proceedings until compliance steps are taken.
When does the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims apply?
It applies to…
* Personal injury claims
* Not covered by other protocols
* That are likely to be allocated to the fast-track (value of up to £25,000).
What is the initial step for the claimant in the Personal Injury Claims Protocol?
C sends a letter of notification to D with brief details of the claim.
What steps follow the Letter of Notification in the Personal Injury Claims Protocol?
- C sends a fuller Letter of Claim
- D acknowledges Letter of Claim within 21 days
- Following investigations, D sends a Letter of Response within 3 months of the Letter of Claim
- Proceed to negotiation/settlement/quantum
How long does D have under the Personal Injury Protocol to acknowledge the letter of claim?
Within **21 Days **of Letter of Claim
How long does D have under the Personal Injury Protocol to serve a Letter of Response?
Within 3 Months
What is the Practice Direction’s scope?
The Practice Direction applies to all cases unless a specific protocol applies, in which case the protocol’s provisions override conflicting directions.
When must D respond to Cs Letter of Claim under the Practice Direction?
Within a reasonable period depending on the complexity.
Varies between 14 days in simple cases, to 3 months in complex cases.
D should respond by either accepting or rejecting the claim with reasons.
Where should a non-personal injury claim up to £100,000 be issued?
It must be issued in the County Court.
Where should a personal injury claim of less than £50,000 be issued?
It must be issued in the County Court.
In which court can non-personal injury claims over £100,000 be issued?
They can be issued in either the County Court or the High Court.
To issue in High Court, the case requires passing a three-stage justification test.
- The financial value of the claim and amount in dispute; and/or
- The complexity of the facts, legal issues, remedies or procedures involved; and/or
- The importance of the outcome of the claim to the public in general
In which court should personal injury claims of £50,000 or more be issued?
They can be issued in either the County Court or the High Court.
To issue in High Court, the case requires passing a three-stage justification test.
- The financial value of the claim and amount in dispute; and/or
- The complexity of the facts, legal issues, remedies or procedures involved; and/or
- The importance of the outcome of the claim to the public in general
What does the value of a claim exclude according to CPR 16.3(6)?
It excludes…
* Interest
* Costs
* Counterclaims
* Contributory negligence
* Social security benefits
When is a claim appropriate for the High Court (7A PD)?
When the financial value, complexity, or public importance suggests it should be heard by a High Court judge.
What can happen if a claim is issued in the wrong court?
The court may transfer the case between the HC and CC
- Order C to pay costs of transfer; or
- If the matter continues in HC, there is a sanction for wrongly beginning a matter in the HC > any costs awarded can be deducted 25%
What documents are required to issue a claim?
Claimant’s solicitor must send the following to the court:
- Copies of Claim Form (Form N1) - 1 for court file, 1 for each D, 1 for C file.
- Court Issue Fee
Where are County Court money claims issued?
Send to the Civil National Business Centre (CNBC) which manages claims until hearings are transferred to local County Courts.
Where should non-money county court claims be issued
Any County Court Hearing Centres by sending in/attending with the claim form and fee.
What option is available for issuing a County Court money claim online?
Money Claim Online by HMCTS allows claims…
* Up to £100,000
* No more than two defendants.