Principles And Concepts Of The Areas Flashcards
Principle of the social area
Behaviour is influenced by other people and social situations
Concepts of the social area (6)
- diffusion of responsibility
- bystander effect
- arousal
- cost-reward model
- cultural differences in helping (simpatia)
- effects of community variables on helping
Principles of the biological area
Behaviour is influenced by our biological systems like our brain, nervous system and genetics. Our biology can also be influenced by our behaviour
Concepts of the biological area (4)
- brain plasticity
- specialised functions of regions of the brain
- lateralisation of function
- delay of gratification
Principles of the cognitive area (2)
- investigates the way that internal mental processes (perception, attention, language, memory etc..) can influence our behaviour
- suggests that the mind works like a computer processor, inputting, storing, and retrieving information
Concepts of the cognitive area (7)
- auditory attention
- attentional barrier
- cocktail party effect
- inattentional blindness
- visual attention
- reconstructive memory
- context-dependent memory
Principles of the developmental area
Behaviour develops over time and throughout our life. Upbringing and childhood can affect later adult behaviour
Concepts of the developmental area (7)
- social learning
- learned aggression
- moral development
- universal stages of development
- operant conditioning
- positive and negative reinforcement
- cultural differences in development
Principles of the individual differences area
We should focus on reasons why behaviours between individuals are different rather than looking at how the behaviour of everyone is similar
Concepts of the individual differences area
- understanding disorders (e.g. phobias, autism, psychopathy)
- measuring differences
- theory of mind
Principles of the behaviourist area
We are born tabula rasa everything we learn comes from the environment
Principles of the behaviourist area
- classical conditioning
- operant conditioning
- social learning theory
Principles of the psychodynamic area
Behaviour is influenced by the drives of our unconscious mind
Concepts of the psychodynamic area
- personality (Id, Ego and Superego), Ego defence mechanisms, psychoanalysis
Studies within the social area
Responses to people in authority: Milgram, Bocchiaro et al
Responses to people in need: Piliavin et al, Levine et al
Studies within the cognitive area
Memory: Loftus and palmer, Grant et al
Attention: Moray, Simons and Chabris
Studies within the developmental area
External influences on children’s behaviour: Bandura et al, Chaney et al
Moral development: Kohlberg, Lee et al
Studies within the biological area
Regions of the brain: Sperry, Casey et al
Brain plasticity: Blakemore and cooper, Maguire et al
Studies within the individual differences area
Understanding disorders: Freud, Baron-cohen et al
Measuring differences: Gould, Hancock et al