Primer 2B - 2C Flashcards
Which are water soluble isoflavones (related to genistein) and found in red clover? It is weakly estrogenic, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, and may inhibit bone resorption.
Beta Glucans
Biochannin A
Colosolic Acid
Biochannin A
Which are polyphenolic pigments found in turmeric rhizome and are antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, anticoagulant?
Beta Glucans
Colosolic Acid
Found in cruciferous veggies, chewing converts them into indoles and isothiocyanates…which bind/deactivate carcinogens and powerfully activate liver and GI detox enzymes, regulate leukocytic cytokine secretion, and inhibit tumor promoting enzymes?
Colosolic Acid
Found in garlic and reduces serum total cholesterol and BP.
Beta Glucans
This is a triterpene, found in the leaves of Lagerstroemia speciosa…it is known also as “botanical insulin”.
Colosolic acid
Chlorophyll Catechins
Colosolic Acid
Which is found in cruciferous veg, and is converted by stomach acid into DIM and indole carbazide, all the compounds are easily absorbed and active. They specifically increase the ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to 16-hydroxyestrone and block conversion of estradiol to 4-hydroxyestrone.
Indole 3 Carbinol
Remember 2 and 4 hydroxyestrone are carcinogenic. 16 hydroxy is anticarcinogenic
Which is a found in shark liver oil and might have the activity of activating macrophages and natural killer cells?
Beta Glucans
Which are antimutagenic, anticarcinogenic, protect immune and CV system, activate liver detox enzymes, increase resistance to infections and are found in leeks, onions, garlic, family?
Beta Glucans
Allylic Sulfides
Allylic sulfides
Which inhibit tumorigenesis and metastasis and are found in leek seeds, carrots, radishes, pea, sorghum, coconut, Echinacea purpurea, Larix occidentalis, Curcuma longa?
Beta Glucans
Biochannin A
Which is purportedly used for arthritis, fibro, chronic fatigue syndrome and immune disorders but no specific substantiating evidence exists?
Cetyl Myristoleate
Beta Glucans
Cetyl Myristoleate
Chlorophyll is antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic.
True or False
Which has laxative activity and may contribute to glucose homeostasis by interfering with the absorption of non-fiber CHOs? Found in tubers of Amorphophallus family and is a soluble fiber
Beta Glucans
Many of these inhibit estrogen synthesis and are potent antioxidants, inhibit cell adhesion/growth factor activity/cell proliferation seen in cancer/atherosclerosis, they strengthen capillaries and enhance the effects of Vitamin C. Are found in citrus fruits, legumes, onions, wine, green tea, licorice root, flax, and cruciferous.
Beta Glucans
Flavanoids/isoflavones (better known as bioflavanoids)
These are a type of flavanoid found in the largest amounts in green tea and grape seeds. They are antioxidant, increase basal energy expenditure and rate of FA beta-ox, are antimicrobial.
Beta Glucans
Colosolic Acids
Which are polysulfated galactans from red seaweeds, resist digestion by humans, and might lower cholesterol.
Beta Glucans
Which is found in certain mushrooms and oats (is a soluble fiber), stimulates phagocytosis and cytotoxic NK cells? Flavanoids/isoflavones Beta Glucans Carrageenans Fructans
Beta Glucans
There are more than 600 of these, but only 3 have activity as one of the fat soluble vitamins. They enhance immune response, protect against UV radiation, spare GPx and other phase 2 enzymes. Found in red, orange, yellow pigments and many plants.
What are found in flax seeds, soybean, wheat bran, and oatmeal and act as phytoestrogens that compete with human estrogens and likely confer some protection against breast, uterine, or ovarian cancers?
Lipoic Acid
Which are acyclic isomers of beta-carotene found in tomatoes and red grapefruit and have antioxidant effects and could contribute to prevention of prostate cancer? Glucosinolates Lycopenes Lipoic Acid Isoprenoids
Which are sulfur containing antioxidants found in garlic and cruciferous vegetables? Thiols Lipoic Acid Isoprenoids Pycnogenol
These are found in legume vegetables, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes and inhibit the growth of cancer cells and can reduce serum cholesterol.
These are found in soybeans (genistein), chickpeas, beans, and legume vegetables. They act as phytoestrogens (biochanin A, Daidzein, genistein) and confer some degree of protection against breast/uterine/ovarian cancers.
Lipoic Acid
These are long-chain saturated fatty alcohols that comes from the wax of sugar cane and yams, and beeswax. They are hypocholesterolemic.
Perilla Oil
These are found in grape seeds, cocoa, chocolate, apples, peanuts, almonds, cranberries, blueberries, and pine tree bark. Contain dimers and oligomers of catechin and EgCg. They are water soluble free radical scavengers that also reinforce collagen crosslinking and are antioxidant.
Protease Inhibitors
Which neutralize free radicals by breaking chains of membrane lipid peroxidation?
Lipoic Acid
These are in garlic, sage, camphor, dill, citrus fruit oils, caraway seed oil. They induce expression of Phase 1 and 2 enzymes to promote detox of carcinogens, inhibit posttranslational isoprenylation of proteins thus inhibiting neoplastic growth.
Lipoic Acid
Limonoids (and other monoterpenes)
A potentially hypocholesterolemic fatty alcohol isolated from wax covering green blades of wheat.
Perilla Oil
This comes from the bark of certain French pine trees, contains procyanidins/proanthocyanidins and phenolic acids. Acts as an antioxidant and directly stimulates glutathione synthesis and expression of glutathione reductase and peroxidases, and increases cerebral and cardiac blood flow.
Perilla Oil
Lipoic Acid
This is 50% alpha linolenic acid by weight.
Perilla Oil
Perilla oil
These are found in soybeans and legumes and may inhibit free radical generation and slow carcinogenesis.
Protease inhibitors
Protease inhibitors
Found in soybeans and most other plants, inhibit absorption of dietary cholesterol and colon/breast/prostate cancer tumorigenesis. Phenols Phytoestrogens Sulforaphane Phytosterols
Found in plants with blue, blue-red, and violet pigments and inhibit inflammatory enzymes by modifying the prostaglandin synthesis pathways and reducing platelet aggregability. Phenols Phytoestrogens Sulforaphane Phytosterols
These originate from plants and bing 17 beta-estradiol receptors…examples are isoflavones, lignans. Phenols Phytoestrogens Sulforaphane Phytosterols
This is the aglycone breakdown product of glucoraphanin, found in cruciferous vegetables and induces expression of hepatic phase 2 enzymes, especially glutathione s-transferase and quinone reductase. Phenols Phytoestrogens Sulforaphane Phytosterols
Present in garlic, green teas, soy, citrus fruits, onions, apples, licorice root, grapes and wines. Inhibit inflammation,strengthen capillary integrity, and inhibit hormone binding in some tissues. Ellagic acid is an example and is found in strawberries, apples, and grapes, and stimulates carcinogenic detox. Polyphenols Phytoestrogens Sulforaphane Phytosterols
Which medicinal plant is a succulent whose water soluble extract is converted in the colon into an anthrone that irritates the colonic mucosa, which increases mucus secretions and stimulates peristalsis…basically a laxative…chronic use can damage the colonic epithelium and mucosa and can potentially trigger a reflex stimulation of the uterus (giving it an abortifacient property). Agrimony Alfalfa Aloe Vera Anise
Aloe Vera
Which plant has a white/yellow tubular flower encircled by a rosette of grasslike leaves, a poultice from which can be used to relieve breast soreness and whose liquid from boiled roots might relieve stomach pains, anxiety, and edema? Agrimony Alfalfa Anise Aletris root
Aletris root (White tube stargrass)
Very tall leafy legume with small green leaves and bluish-purple flowers, the powered leaves can be mixed with cider vinegar as a tonic. Agrimony Alfalfa Anise Aletris root
Has small yellow flowers, pointed hair leaves. Entire plant used for diuretic and astringent therapy for sore throats, kidney stones and jaundice. Agrimony Alfalfa Anise Aletris root
Used in Ayurvedic medicine for epilepsy, insanity, bronchitis, laryngitis, heachache, insomnia….”nerve tonic”…contains glycosides and saponins..used in adults to reduce anxiety, mental fatigue, irritability, and increase concentration, short term memory and feelings of well-being. Angelica Bacopa Anise Astragalus
Dried seeds of this are used for relieving flatulence, UTIs, and fever…root preparations can induce vomiting and perspiration for tx of toothache, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, fever, and hypomenorrhea. Angelica Asefatida Anise Astragalus
The root of this plant contains triterpene glycosides, saponins, beta-sitosterol, VLCFAs, isoflavanoids….the extract is antiviral, antioxidant, fibrinolytic, hepatoprotective, and immunostimulatory, can reverse drug/EtOH induced memory impairment, increase cardiac output, and improve GI smooth muscle tone and motility. Arnica Bacopa Anise Astragalus
Member of carrot family, the tea from the seeds may relieve flatulence,colic, cough, bronchitis, and oral inflammation. Angelica Bacopa Anise Asefatida
Gummy resin from the roots of this plant is used as an antispasmodic and to ward off influenza and cold Angelica Bacopa Anise Asefatida
Creams from the flowers of this plant are used for muscle strains and soreness. Arnica Bayberry Black Walnut Black Cohosh
Oil from the leaves of this plant contain 20-25% GLA and are used to increase sweating, as a diuretic, to soothe intestinal cramps, and to reduce swelling. Blackberry Bayberry Borage Calamus
The bark of this tree is a mild laxative, the husk of the nut treats intestinal parasites, ulcers, syphilis, and fungal infections, and leaves fight bedbug infestations. Black Walnut Black Cohosh Bayberry Bearberry
Black Walnut
This is a unicellular algae containing protein, astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and others. Ingesting it intact can be anticarcinogenic, immunostimulatory, and hypolipidemic and can attenuate the effects of 5-flurouracil chemotherapy. Celery Chlorella Chicory Bayberry
The seeds of this plant contain capsaicin, which reduces pain. Celery Cayenne Chives Chicory
The bark and berries of this tree are used as laxatives Cat’s Claw Blackberry Boneset Buckthorn
A decoction of the root bark is used to treat uterine hemorrhage, jaundice, dysentery, and canker sores; the fluid from boiled leaves treats fever and intestinal parasites. Bayberry Bee Pollen Black CoHosh Cat’s Claw
Cimicifuga racemosa. Decoctions from rhizomes and roots treat sore throat, RA, PMS, and kidney infections. It suppresses LH and directly relaxes the uterus. Blackcurrant seed oil Bee Pollen Black CoHosh Cat’s Claw
Black Cohosh
Extracts from leaves and flower tops used to tx cancer and respiratory infections, to induce sweating and urination to reduce fever. Seeds induce vomiting. Boneset Blessed Thistle Burdock Calamus
Blessed Thistle
Seeds from this may act as a diuretic, sedative, or flatulence suppressant. Chaparral Chickweed Celery Cinnamon
The flowering tips of this plant can act as a laxative Chaste Tree Chicory Chaparral Chives
Roots of this plant are chewed to clear phlegm and ease stomach gas and cramps. Burdock Calamus Buchu Blackberry
Seeds of this plant (Ribes nigrum) contain 15-20% GLA and 12-14% ALA, producing anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects…but the resulting oil isn’t cholesterol lowering. It can act synergistically with anticoagulants. Black Currant Seed Oil Blackberry Bea Pollen Burdock
Black Currant Seed Oil
Fluid boiled from the leaves of this plant are used as diuretic and to treat strains, stomach pains, incontinence, and inflammation from poison oak. Bea Pollen Bearberry Cat’s Claw Calamus
Extracts of this entire plant have been used to treat colds, nervous disorders, stomach ailments, respiratory ailments, swelling, infant colic, and hives. Catnip Buchu Boneset Blackberry
Fluid from the roots are used to treat coughs, asthma, stomachache, and to stimulate menstruation. Boneset Burdock Cat’s Claw Blackberry
Powder from leaves and flowers are mixed with boiling water to stimulate stomach motility, decrease nervousness, stimulate menstrual flow, and relieve pain…tea from the leaves is soothing. Chamomile Chase Tree Cinnamon Blackberry
Poultice from entire plant in full bloom used to tx sores, ulcers, infections, and hemorrhoids. Chaste Tree Chives Chickweed Blackberry
Teas made from the roots are used to tx nasal catarrh, and teas from the root bark or leaves or berries treats dysentery. Blackberry Boneset Buchu Cat’s Claw
Tincture of dried leaves treats genital and UT infections, indigestions, edema, and diabetes. Cat’s Claw Buchu Boneset Cinnamon
Looks like a dandelion, the dried leaves and roots increase appetite and relieve dyspepsia, also used in food flavoring. Cat’s Claw Chives Chicory Chaste Tree
Fluids from leaves used to tx sx of common cold and malaria. Cat’s Claw Boneset Chaste Tree Boysenberry
Contains Hirsutine. Extracts of root have anti-inflammatory activity and inhibit platelet aggregation. The hirsutine extract inhibits the increase of intracellular free calcium in myocardial cells and may be anti-HTN. Chaste Tree Chives Cinnamon Cat’s Claw
Cat’s Claw
The extract of the berries inhibits FSH secretion, prolactin secretion, and lactation. Chaste Tree Chives Cinnamon Dandelion
Chaste Tree
Has antihelminthic properties due to alkyl cysteine sulfoxides in the stems and leaves. Chaste Tree Chives Cinnamon Dandelion
The oil from the liquid extract is antibacterial and antifungal and has insecticide properties. Chaste Tree Chives Cinnamon Dandelion
Roots contain immunostimulatory glycoproteins with bactericidal and wound healing properties, and root extracts have been used in tx of ulcers, boils, syphilis, snakebites, skin diseases, and blood poisoning, and to increase resistance to infectious disease. Dandelion Colt’s Foot Comfrey Echinacea purpurea
Echinacea purpurea
Seeds are made into poultice for wounds, can be hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic. Fennel Fenugreek Dandelion Comfrey
Rhizomes are used as an expectorant and in tx of flatulence, common cold, sore throats. Acetone extracts provide significant protection for gastric mucosa against HCL ethanol erosive damage and NSAID damage. Potentiates digestive function by increasing enzyme activity, stomach emptying stimulation, and GI motility…it also is a cholagogue and used to relieve morning sickness/nausea. Ginger Fennel Comfrey Dandelion
Entire flowering plant used to increase urine formation, stimulate appetite, reduce fever, and remove freckles. Colt’s Food Cleaver’s Herb Dandelion Comfrey
Cleaver’s Herb
Roots have been used as diuretic, laxative, bile acid stimulator, and appetite stimulant. Tea from flowers used for cardiovascular issues. Colt’s Food Cleaver’s Herb Dandelion Comfrey
Oil distilled from leaves has antiseptic value and accelerates healing of open wounds/ulcerations. Comfrey Eucalyptus Garlic Feverfew
Ground seeds mixed with boiling water can be used in a poultice for burns, boils, carbuncles, and sores. Feverfew Garlic Eyebright Flax
Roots are used in tx of indigestion, gout, arthritis and to induce vomiting. Gentian Ginkgo Ginseng Feverfew
Leaf extracts contain flavone glycosides and terpenoids (terpene lactones…sesquiterpene, bilobalide, etc.)…exhibits antioxidant, antiplatelet activating factor, cerebrovasodilatory, neuroreceptor modulting and pro-lipolytic acitions. Can potentiate anticoagulants. Garlic Ginkgo Ginseng Feverfew
Contains anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene lactones (parthenolide, artecanin, etc)…these inhibit platelet aggregation and prostaglandin synthesis, used to alleviate headaches, arthritis, and allergies. Ginkgo Ginseng Feverfew Fennel
Flower bud of this plant is used to promote salivation and gastric secretion, reduce abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting, and relieve arthritis, lumbago, toothache, muscle cramps and neuralgia. Cloves Colt’s Foot Comfrey Fennel
Powdered roots reduce flatulence, induce sweating, relieve headache….the powder contains mucin, which reduces inflammation of the throat and pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are antibacterial, carcinogenic, and hepatotoxic. Colt’s Food Cleaver’s Herb Dandelion Comfrey
Colt’s Foot
Seed extracts support GI function, used as a carminative, to reduce flatulence, and for relieving intestinal cramps, the tea can stimulate bile production. Eyebright EPO Fennel Garlic
Roots are used as stimulant, to tx convulsions, dizziness, vomiting, colds, fevers, headaches, arthritis…it stimulates lipolysis and accelerates glucose uptakes (enhancing glucose tolerance). Ginseng (American) Goldenrod Goldenseal Eyebright
Gingseng (American…Panax quin.)
Symphytum officinale. Root extract suppresses leukocyte infiltration during acute inflammation. Roots and leaves used for tx pneumonia, coughs, diarrhea, osteoporosis, ulcers, arthritis, gallstones, hemorrhoids, headaches, gout, anemia, TB. Colt’s Food Cleaver’s Herb Dandelion Comfrey
Oenthera biennis. Seeds contain oil with large amts of GLA, which is anti-inflammatory, and provides relief for PMS, menopausal flushing, and fibrocystic breast disease. Colt’s Foot Flax Oil Evening Primrose Oil Eyebright
Poultice from whole plant useful for snakebites, venomous insect stings…the mash expels parasites, treats cough/asthma…toothache…the active component inhibits HMG CoA Reductase…extracts are antimicrobial, antiviral, hypolipidemic, fibrinolytic, increase intracellular GSH, inhibit thromboxane formation, and increase cytotoxicity of NK cells. Eyebright Garlic Goldnerod Goldenseal
Entire plant in full bloom used to tx whopping cough, asthma, epilepsy, pneumonia, hysteria and convulsions. Goldenrod Goldenseal Gymnema Eyebright
Dried leaves are a stimulant and diuretic. Goldenrod Goldenseal Gymnema Eyebright
Crataegus oxycantha. Contains procyanidins and flavonoids in the berries which increase coronary blood flow and are mildly anti-arrhythmic…alleviates angina, heart valve defects, weak heartbeat (positively inotropic), and CHF, as well as reverse atherosclerosis. Hawthorn Horehound Huckleberry Juniper
Ephedra sinica. Stems are a source of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine compounds…people can become hypertensive and tachycardic on this. Lemon Balm Ma Huang Motherwort Horehound
Ma Huang is Ephedra
Hydrastis canadensis. Fluids from roots used as appetite suppressant, powdered roots for open lacerations, fresh roots for mouth sores…active component is berberine…antimicrobial in the gut, can reduce BP, interferes with anticoagulants, is an abortifacient. Lemon Balm Motherwort Goldenseal Horehound
Seeds are high in caffeine content. Hops Horehound Juniper Guarana
Decoctions of leaves, stems, and bark tx coughs, asthma, hoarseness, diarrhea, menstrual irregularities, and kidney disease…also stimulates secretion of gastric and bile acids. Hops Horehound Huckleberry Juniper
Piper methysticum. Roots contain lactones (pyrones) that are anxiolytic, analgesic, anticonvulsive, and muscle relaxing…avoid use with clinical depression. Kava kava Juniper Huckleberry Marshmallow
Kava kava
Seeds contain silymarin. Hepatocyte protective (alters cell membrane), blocks toxin binding sites, induces GSH synthesis. Inhibits inflammatory response of Kupffer cells, reducing hepatic inflammation. Juniper Milk Thistle Huckleberry Marshamallow
Milk Thistle
Many related and active compounds in this herb. Actions: inhibit dietary glucose absorption, attenuates postprandial hyperglycemia in adults with diabetes. Hops Gymnema Huckleberry Juniper
Humulus lupulus. The fruit is used as a poultice and a beverage for tx of fever, parasites, arthritis, to induce diuresis and sedation in those with nervousness or insomnia. Hops Hyssop Huckleberry Juniper
Althaea officinalis. Extract alleviates local irritation, stimulates phagocytosis, accelerates glucose clearance from circulation, is anti inflammatory and immunostimulatory. Marshmallow Motherwort Lemon Balm Licorice
Leaf fluid used as carminative, diaphoretic, mild sedative for those with nervous agitation and difficulty sleeping. Hyssop Motherwort Lemon Balm Licorice
Lemon Balm
Fluids from leaves are antimicrobial, antiviral, mildly spasmolytic…used to tx cough, TB, asthma, cuts, and bruises. Juniper Huckleberry Hyssop Licorice
Decoctions of leaves and root bark used to tx sore throats and diarrhea Marshmallow Motherwort Huckleberry Licorice
Berries used for diuretic actions, to induce menstruation, relieve gas, treat snakebites and intestinal parasites. Juniper Huckleberry Hyssop Licorice
Root extract used to tx stomach ulcers, arthritis, induce menstrual flow, reduce fever, expel placenta…the extract can cause excessive sodium retention and HTN. Licorice Motherwort Parsley Nutmeg
Entire plant except roots is useful as a diuretic and stimulant. Pumpkin Motherwort Parsley Nutmeg
Seeds contain delta-7-sterols that mimic dihydrotestosterone and may reduce BPH. Peppermint Red Clover Pumpkin Papaya
Leaves used as tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, stimulant, carminative, and nervine. Peppermint Red Clover Papaya Rosemary
Entire blooming plant powdered and used as a sedative. Peppermint Tansy Skullcap St Johns Wort
Extracts of twigs, leaves, bark are anti-inflammatory and used in lotions for bruises and sprains White Willow Yerba Mate Tansy Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel
Fluids from leaves used to tx dysentery, asthma, hemorrhoids, inflammation, and sunburn…oil from flowers used for earache. Plantain Mullien Red Clover Tansy
Fresh leaves rubbed into skin to relieve pain, oil extracted from leaves reduces nausea, headache, and can be antiviral. Peppermint Plantain Red Clover White Willow
Roots used to treat infections diseases Plantain Queensdelight Red Clover Parsley
Root bark contains carcinogenic oils. Sarsaparilla Safflower Sage Sassafras
Berries contain beta-sitosterol…which inhibits binding of dihydrotestosterone to prostate cells and conversion of testosterone to a factor trophic for the prostate, these actions inhibit BPH Saw Palmetto Safflower Red Clover Plantain
Saw Palmetto
Extracted oils used as a carminative and stimulant. Tamarind Tansy Spearmint Stinging Nettle
Seeds contain xyloglucans which form a viscous gel in presence of water but dehydrate and shrink when dehydrated….when hydrated, they inhibit intestinal absorption of glucose Tamarind Tansy St Johns Wort Stinging Nettle
Bark extract contains salicin, which becomes salicylic acid in the gut and liver, likely has thermogenic properties if combined with ephedra and caffeine. White Willow Stinging Nettle St Johns Wort Tansy
White Willow
Leaves used as an expectorant. Yerba Mate Yerba Santa Tansy Stinging Nettle
Yerba Santa
Root is sedating. Yerba Mate Tansy Valerian Stinging Nettle
Seeds used in tx of nausea, vomiting, and hemorrhoids. Nutmeg Plantain Red Clover Tansy
Dried root taken orally used as diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant…fresh ground roots applied to skin sores. Pleurisy Root Tansy Red Clover Plantain
Pleurisy Root
Flowers plus water make paste to apply to boils. Flowers can be soaked in water to make a beverage to reduce fever, induce perspiration, simulate menstrual flow, and alleviate dermal sx of measles. Tansy Safflower Sage Red Clover
Roots exhibit diuretic properties and irritate the urinary tract…root extract used as aphrodisiac. Sarsaparilla Red Clover Sage Tansy
Tanacetum vulgare. Extracts of flowering tops used to expel intestinal parasites. Extracted oils may induce abortion. Tansy Red Clover St John’s Wort Stinging Nettle
Leaf extract is a laxative, well tolerated reliever of chronic constipation. Does not harm mucosal tissues. Red Clover Stinging Nettle Senna Sagw
Roots contain beta-sitosterol…increases urine volume and maximum urinary flow, reduces residual urine volume. Inhibits binding of SHBG to receptors on prostate cells, thereby inhibiting prostate growth without effecting ejaculate volume or erectile function. Stinging Nettle St John’s Wort Red Clover Sage
Stinging Nettle
South American green tea. Contains mateina (caffeine), and significant amounts of caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid…the tea increases bile acid secretion. St Johns Wort Red Clover Sage Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate
Hypericum perforatum. Standardized extracts to hypericin content…a very mild antidepressant…extracts also contain hyperforin, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Stinging Nettle St John’s Wort Red Clover Sage
St John’s Wort
Fruit is proteolytic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, anit-ulcerative and digestive aid. Plantain Red Clover Papaya Sage
Roots exhibit diuretic effect…fruit is abortifacient. Fragrant leaves, used as garnish. Plantain Passion Flower Parsley Red Clover
Seeds are laxative, crushed fresh leaves reduce local swelling, boiled roots reduce nipple soreness…fruit is hypocholesterolemic. Passion Flower Plantain Red Clover Sage
Leaves used to tx wounds, lacerations, sores, coughs,sore throats, dyspepsia…whole leaf extract is antibacterial, fungistatic, virostatic, and inhibits perspiration. Oil is antibacterial, fungistatic, virostatic, Passion Flower Red Clover Sage Parsley
Crushed flowers used to tx bruises and injuries. Tea may help induce sleep. Passion Flower Red Clover Sage Parsley
Passion Flower
Fully bloomed plant used to tx whooping cough, used in salve for sores and ulcers…flowers used for sedation, to relieve gastric distress and improve appetite. Passion Flower Red Clover Sage Parsley
Red Clover