Primates Flashcards
LG 17
lineage of animals
- character: grasping, flattened nails, large brain, color vision, complex social behavior, extensive parental care, eyes on front of face
(ie) prosimians, monkeys & great apes
1 of 2 major lineages of primates
- paraphyletic group
- character: small in size, reside in trees, nocturnal
(ie) lemurs, pottos, lorises
1 of 2 major lineages of primates
- include new world monkeys (central & S. America) + old world monkeys (Africa & tropical Asia) + gibbons + Hominidae
- “human like”
(ie) apes, humans & all monkeys
great apes
members of Hominidae family
- character: large body size, no tail & large brain
- aka hominids
(ie) humans & extinct related forms, chimpanzees, gorillas & orangutans
walking primarily on two legs
- hominin characteristic
any extinct/extant species of bipedal apes
- types: Australopithecus africanus, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens
- bipedalism
- largest brain case
- flattest face
brain case
prehistoric European population of modern humans
- known from fossils, paintings, sculptures & other artifacts
recently extinct European species of hominin, Homo neanderthaleans
- closely related to but diff. from modern humans
out-of-Africa hypothesis
modern humans (Homo sapiens) evolved in Africa & spread to other continents - replace other Homo sapiens w/out interbreeding
great apes
- large bodies, long arms, short legs, no tail
- live on ground, except orangutans
- distinct walk