Biogeochemical Cycles Flashcards
biogeochemical cycle
path an element takes as it moves from abiotic systems through producers, consumers & decomposers and back again
nutrient flow in biotic/abiotic factors
soil organic matter
organic (carbon containing) compounds found in soil
decayed organic matter in soils
area drained by a single stream or river
global water cycle
estimated amount of water moving btwn major reservoirs over a course of a year, powered by sun
water below land surface
underground layer of soil saturated w/ water
- takes thousands of years to recharge
- contained/closed or uncontained/open
water table
upper limit of underground layer of soil saturated w/ water
global nitrogen table
movement of nitrogen among terrestrial ecosystem, oceans & atmospheres
nitrogen fixation
incorporation of atmospheric of N2 into NH3, which can be used to make many organic compounds
- occurs in a few lineages of bacteria & archaea
dead zone
global carbon cycle
worldwide movement of carbon among terrestrial ecosystems, oceans & atmospheres
how lost nutrients can be replaced
(1) ions become rock weather
(2) blow in on soil particles OR dissolved in streams
(3) nitrogen-fixing bacteria conversions
biogeochemical cycle questions
(1) nature/size of storage reservoir
(2) movement patterns: speed & process
(3) interactions
contained/closed aquifer
nonporous rock layers overlie aquifer
uncontained/open aquifer
replenished water percolating down from surface