Present Perfect 3 Flashcards
We use the present perfect
( have (‘ve)+ V3/ Ved)
has (‘s) + V3/Ved)
to talk about something that began in the past and still continues now.
We use the following:
how long?
for (po jistou dobu)
since (od kdy)
!!! We use the present perfect in this meaning with the verbs which are not used in the continuous form:
be know want have (=possess / vlastnit/) believe like love hate need understand remember belong possess
Compare the present and the present perfect:
1) Arny is in hospital.
She has been in hospital since Monday.
(not Arny is in hospital since Monday)
2) We know each other very well.
We have known each other for a long time.
(not ‘we know’) .
Bydlíme v Praze už šest měsíc
We have (we’ve) lived in Prague for six months.
Have we/you lived in Prague for six months?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
We haven’t lived in Prague for six months.
How long have we/ you lived in Prague?
Pracuji tady už dva měsíce.
I have (I’ve) worked here for two months.
Have you worked here for two months?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
I haven’t worked here for two months.
How long have you worked here?
Je ve svém pokoji. Je tam už celý den. (ona)
She’s in her room.
She has been (She’s been) there all day.
Has she been there all day?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.
She hasn’t been there all day.
How long has she been there?
Znám Johna už mnoho let.
I have known (I’ve known) John for many years.
Have you known John for many years?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
I haven’t known John for many years.
How long have you known John?
Už patnáct let jsou manželé.
They have been (they’ve been) married for fifteen years.
Have they been married for fifteen years?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t.
They haven’t been married for fifteen years.
How long have they been married?
Tohle auto už má dva měsíce. [on]
He has had (he’s had) this car for two months.
Has he had this car for two months?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
He hasn’t had this car for two moths.
How long has he had this car?
Už týden je nemocná. Měla by jít k doktorovi.
She has been (‘s been) ill for a week. She should go to the doctor’s.
Has she been ill for a week?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.
She hasn’t been ill for a week.
How long has she been ill?
Víme o tom už dlouho.
We have known (we’ve known) about it for a long time.
Have we/you known about it for long time?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
We haven’t known about it for a long time.
How long have we/you known about it?
Takhle nastydlý jsem už několik dní.
I have had (I’ve had) this cold for a few days.
Have you had this cold for a few days?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
I haven’t had this cold for a few days.
How long have you had this cold?
Už šest měsíců je nezaměstnaný.
He has been (He’s been) unemployed for six months.
Has he been unemployed for six months?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
He hasn’t been unemployed for six months.
How long has he been unemployed?
Už léta tam chce jet. [ona]
She has wanted (she’s wanted) to go there for many years.
Has she wanted to go there for many years?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.
She hasn’t wanted to go there for many years.
How long has she wanted to go there?
Počasí bylo toto léto zatím strašné.
There weather has been terrible so far this summer.
Has the weather been terrible so far this summer?
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn’t.
The weather hasn’t been terrible so far this summer.
How long has the weather been so terrible?
Pan Jenkins je naším ředitelem jlž čtrnáctlet
Mr Jenkins has been our director for fourteen years.
Has Mr Jenkins been our director for fourteen years?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
He hasn’t been our director for fourteen years.
How long has Mr Jenkins been our director?
Toto je už od středověku důleŽité město.
This town has been important since the Middle Ages.
Has this town been important since the Middle Ages?
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn’t.
No, this town hasn’t been important since the Middle Ages.
How long has this town been important?
Arthur se zajímá o letadla jíž od dětství.
Arthur has been interested in aeroplanes since his childhood.
Has Arthur been interested in aeroplanes since his childhood?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
He hasn’t been interested in aeroplanes since his childhood.
How long has Arthur been interested in aeroplanes?
ByI jsem tady šťastný a nechci zítra odjet.
I have been (I’ve been) happy here and I don’t want to leave tomorrow.
Have I/you been happy here?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
I haven’t been happy here.
How long have you been happy here?
Jak dlouho už o tom víš?
How long have you known about it?
Ko|ík let uŽ jsi vegetarián?
How many years have you been a vegetarian?
Jak dlouho už má tu bolest? [on]
How long have you had the pain?
How long /you /have/ your car?
How long have you had your car?
I have had (I’ve had) my car for one year.
I have had (I’ve had) my car since last June.
How long /you /be/ in a relationship?
How long have you been in a relationship?
I have been in a relationship for 10 years.
I have been in a relationship since 2006.
How long /you /live/ in this town?
How long have you lived in this town?
I have lived in this town all my life.
I have lived in my town since I was a child.
How long / you / know / your best friend?
How long have you known your best friend?
How long / you /work / for your company?
How long have you worked for your company?