June Flashcards
1 rozveselit (se) , přijít na jiné myšlenky
2 zvednout náladu komu
3 povzbudit koho
cheer up [tʃɪə]
Cheer up! The worst is over.
They cheered up when they saw us coming along.
Here’s a bit of news that will cheer you up.
You both need cheering up, I think.
1 (to) sth držet se , přidržovat se čeho (rukou, i přen. zásad ap.)
2 vydržet , držet (se) (nepodlehnout)
- počkat , mít strpení
hold on phrasal verb
1 spoken
a) to wait for a short time :
Hold on, I’ll just get my coat.
c) used to ask someone on the telephone to wait until the person they want to talk to is available :
Can you hold on? I’ll try to find her.
2 to have your hands or arms tightly around something :
Hold on tight !
hold on to
Hold on to my arm.
práce na silnici
road‧works / rəʊdwɜks $ roʊdwɜrks / noun [ plural ] British English
repairs that are being done to a road :
There were roadworks on the motorway.
1 similar to something else, or happening in the same way
jak(o) (skoro, podobně)
Her hair is dark brown like mine.
A club should be like a big family.
He eats like a pig!
look/sound/feel/taste/seem like
The garden looked like a jungle.
Finally he felt like a real soldier.
He’s very like his brother.
Sometimes you sound just like (= exactly like ) my mum!
He’s growing more like his father every day.
2 what is somebody/something ____? spoken
used when asking someone to describe or give their opinion of a person or thing
jak (vypadá) , jaký (je) kdo/co
what is somebody/something like?
What’s their house like inside?
What are Dan’s parents like?
What does she look like? → Jak vypadá?
Jak vypadá?
What does she look like?
Jaký je (on)?
What is he like?
Jaký je jejich dům zevnitř?
What’s their house like inside?
Jaké je počasí V Praze?
What is the weather like in Prague?
Jaký je Beroun?
What is Beroun like?
1 vztah
- rodinný vztah , příbuznost
a relationship [rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp]
1 family relationships → rodinné vztahy
have a good relationship with sb → dobře vycházet, mít dobré vztahy s kým
a relative [ˈrelətɪv]
relatives → příbuzní, příbuzenstvo
distant relative → vzdálený příbuzný
Bylo to skvělé!
It was great!
Je to fantastické!
It is fantastic!
1 plevel , býlí
- chaluhy , mořské řasy
- tráva (marihuana) , kuřivo (tabák)
weed [wiːd]
(vy)plít , odplevelit (záhon ap.)
to weed
I weed my garden every second week.
How often do you weed your garden?
British English
a toy for young children that is made of cloth and filled with soft material
soft toy noun [ countable ]
Vítejte na našem školicím středisku!
Welcome to our training centre!
Kde je nejbližší banka?
Where is the nearest bank?
Můžete mi říct, kde je nejbližší banka?
Can you tell me
the nearest bank is?
Kde bydlíš?
Where do you live?
Mohl byste mi říct, kde žijete?
Could you tell me
you live?
Nevím, kde žijete.
I don’t know where you live.
on foot
1 vadit komu co , namítat proti čemu
I don’t mind it. → To mi nevadí.
Do you mind if …? → Nevadí, když …?
To mi nevadí.
I don’t mind it.
Nevadí, když …?
Bude Vám vadit, když otevřu okno?
Do you mind if …?
Do you mind if I open the window?
Nevadí mi řídit, pokud jste unavení.
I don’t mind driving if you are tired.
1) hádat , odhadovat , tipovat , domnívat se , myslet
2. uhodnout , uhádnout , odhadnout
to guess [ges]
1) Let me guess. → Nech mě hádat.
rasa , plemeno , odrůda
a breed [briːd]
chovat (zvířata)
pěstovat , šlechtit co (rostliny)
to breed [briːd] (bred/bred)
čepované pivo
draught /dra:ft/ beer
What is the difference between the words ‘lucky’ and ‘happy’?
- lucky - šťastný (den ap.) ,
mající štěstí (osoba)
He was luckier than the rest. → Měl větší štěstí než ostatní.
be lucky → mít štěstí
- šťastný , spokojený
Happy birthday! → Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám!
Happy Christmas! → Veselé Vánoce!
make sb happy → učinit koho šťastným
panelák, činžovní dům, bytový dům
a block of flats
dvůr , dvorek
a yard /ja:d/
back yard → dvorek za domem
in the yard → na dvoře
- kruh , kružnice , kroužek
2. kolečko (např. z těsta)
a circle [ˈsɜːkəl]
a triangle [ˈtraɪˌæŋgəl]
equilateral/isosceles triangle → rovnostranný/rovnoramenný trojúhelník
right-angled triangle → pravoúhlý trojúhelník
acute-angled/obtuse-angled triangle → ostroúhlý/tupoúhlý trojúhelník
Bermuda triangle → Bermudský trojúhelník
zapsat se , přihlásit se (do kurzu ap.)
to sign /sain/ up (for something)
I am thinking of signing up for a yoga course.
charitativní běh
a charity run
získat peníze na charitu
to raise /reiz/ money for charity
vydělat , vydělávat (peníze)
to earn [ɜːn]
každý druhý den
every second day
Moje angličtina je čím dál lepší.
My English is getting better.
špatný, horší, nejhorší
bad - worse - the worst
The traffic is much worse after five o’clock.
The weather was a lot worse last year.
What is the worst possible thing that can happen?
Look at this sentence:
I hope that the race will be here next year.
This sentence is correct.
Which of the following sentences is correct?:
I hope that it (the race) will be here next year.
I hope that will be here next year.
The answer is:
I hope that it will be here next year.
“I hope” is one sentence which consists of a
subject (I) + verb (hope),
then we have a conjunction (spojka) - ‘that’
and the second sentence ‘it will be here’, where
‘it’ is the subject and will be - verb.
Without ‘it’ the sentence isn’t correct, because in the English language we must always have the following word order at the beginning of every sentence:
subject + verb.
!!! Check out “Sentences with ‘it’”