January Flashcards
What is the difference between the verbs ‘to hear’ and ‘to listen to’?
to hear is slyšet to listen (to something) is poslouchat
The verb ‘hear’ is often used with ‘can’:
Be quiet. I can hear something.
The verb ‘to listen to’ is mostly used with ‘to’.
Do you listen to music every day? Do you ever listen to classical music? What kind of music do you listen to? Do you listen to the radio? How often? What BBC podcasts are you listening to now?
Who is a rascal?
a ras‧cal / rɑsk ə l $ ræs- / noun [ countable ]
1 a child who behaves badly but whom you still like
Who is a nephew?
a neph‧ew / nefju, nev- $ nef- / noun [ countable ]
the son of your brother or sister, or the son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister
Who is a niece?
a niece / nis / noun [ countable ]
the daughter of your brother or sister, or the daughter of your wife’s or husband’s brother or sister
Do you have a niece or nephew?
Who is a cousin?
a cous‧in / kʌz ə n / noun [ countable ]
1 the child of your uncle or aunt
Do you have any cousins?
What does the word ‘comfortable’ mean?
What can be comfortable?
com‧fort‧a‧ble / kʌmftəb ə l, kʌmfət- $ kʌmfərt-, kʌmft- / adjective
furniture/places/clothes etc making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc
comfortable chair
comfortable bed
comfortable sofa
The bed wasn’t particularly comfortable.
comfortable room
comfortable hotel
Joyce has a comfortable apartment in Portland.
comfortable clothes
comfortable shoes
comfortable boots
Wear loose comfortable clothing.
comfortable to wear/use/sit on etc
Linen is very comfortable to wear.
2 feeling physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold
I was so comfortable and warm in bed I didn’t want to get up.
Sit down and make yourself comfortable .
With difficulty, she rolled her body into a more comfortable position .
What does the adjective (přídavné jméno) ‘convenient’ mean?
con‧ve‧ni‧ent S3 / kənviniənt / adjective
1 useful to you because it saves you time, or does not spoil your plans or cause you problems OPP inconvenient :
Mail-order catalogs are a convenient way to shop.
My secretary will call you to arrange a convenient time to meet.
convenient for
Is three o’clock convenient for you?
convenient to do something
It is simple and convenient to use.
In everyday English, people usually say a good time/day etc rather than a convenient time/day etc:
Is this a good time for you to talk?
2 close and easy to reach OPP inconvenient :
The bus stop around the corner is probably the most convenient.
convenient for British English convenient to American English :
restaurants convenient for shops and theatres
What does the noun (podstatné jméno) ‘convenience’ mean?
con‧ve‧ni‧ence / kənviniəns / noun
1 [ uncountable ] the quality of being suitable or useful for a particular purpose, especially by making something easier or saving you time :
Ready meals sell well because of their convenience.
the convenience of doing something
Most of us like the convenience of using credit cards to buy things.
for convenience
For convenience, the German translation is printed below.
2 [ uncountable ] what is easiest and best for a particular person
at sb’s convenience (= at a time that is best and easiest for someone )
These meals can be prepared in advance, and served at your convenience.
for sb’s convenience
For your convenience, the bank is open until 7 p.m.
6 a marriage of convenience a marriage that has been agreed for a particular purpose, not because the two people love each other :
In the past most royal marriages were marriages of convenience, arranged for political reasons.
What is the difference between the following adjectives:
to be bored
to be boring
to be interested in sth
to be interesting
to be disappointed
to be disappointing
to be inspired
to be inspiring
to be tired
to be tiring
to be bored - nudit se
to be boring - nudné
I am bored, because this book is boring.
to be interested in something - mít zájem
to be interesting - zajímavé
I am interested in these books because these books are interesting
to be disappointed - být zklamaný
to be disappointing -
být zklamáním
I am disappointed because this news is disappointing.
to be inspired - být inspirovaný
to be inspiring - být inspirující
I am inspired because this music is inspiring.
to be tired - být unavený
to be tiring - být unavující
I am tired because this work is tiring.
!!!!!!! something is _____ ING
somebody is _____ED
Disappointing or disappointed?
The film wasn’t good as we had expected. The film was ________.
We were _____________ with the film.
The film wasn’t good as we had expected. The film was disappointing.
We were disappointed with the film.
Exhausted or exhausting?
Diana teaches young children. It’s a very hard job but she enjoys it.
She enjoys her job but it’s often ____________.
At the end of a day’s work, she is often ______________.
She enjoys her job but it’s often exhausting.
At the end of a day’s work, she is often exhausted.
Depressed or depressing?
It’s been raining all day. I hate this weather.
The weather is _________________.
This weather makes me _________.
It’s silly to get ____________ because of the weather.
The weather is depressing.
This weather makes me depressed.
It’s silly to get depressed because of the weather.
exciting or excited?
Clare is going to the United States next month. She has never been there before.
It will be an ___________ experience for her.
Going to a new place is always __________.
She is really ____________ about going to the USA.
It will be an exciting experience for her.
Going to a new place is always exciting.
She is really excited about going to the USA.
disappointed or disappointing?
I was _____ with the film.
I was disappointed with the film.
interested or interesting?
Are you _____ in football?
Are you interested in football?
Excited or exciting?
The football match was quite _____.
The football match was quite exciting.
amazing or amazed?
I had never expected to get the job. I was really _____ when I was offered it.
I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazed when I was offered it.
terrifying or terrified?
It was a really _____ experience.
It was a really terrifying experience.
shocking or shocked?
Everybody was very _____.
Everybody was very shocked.
boring or bored?
Why do you look so ______?
Is your life really _____?
Why do you look so bored?
Is your life really boring?
boring or bored?
Interesting or interested?
He’s one of the most _____ people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything _____.
He’s one of the most boring people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything interesting.
článek , stať textu
an article[ˈɑːtɪkəl]
a paragraph[-ˌgræf]
Correct this sentence:
I can found it.
I can find it.
After can, use infinitive only (verb)
can + infinitive
can + verb (sloveso)
I can swim.
I can play the piano.
I can ride a bike.
a bedroom
sour / saʊə / adjective
příliš kyselý
moc kyselý
too sour
kachlička , kachlík , dlaždička , dlaždice , obkládačka
a tile /tail/
brát (čas)
it \+ takes/took/will take ... \+ me/you/him/her/it/use/them \+ ... minutes/hours... \+ to Verb ( to do something)
I think it will take me two years to finish the house.
It takes me 10 minutes to make breakfast.
It takes me half an hour to get to work.
It took me 5 years to reconstruct the house.
mít hodně (co) společného
to have a lot in common (with somebody)
I have a lot in common with these people.
oni budou spolu
they will be together
v důchodu
to be retired
He is 60 years old and he is retired.
What can we ride?
What can we drive?
We can ride:
a bike a bicycle a motorbike a horse a camel a scooter
We can drive:
a car a bus a tractor a train a truck a tram
What should we remember about
can + verb
I can drive a car.
must + verb
I must drink 2 litres of water every day.
will + verb
I will see you next week.
What is the difference between
when - kdy v otázkách / když
až nastane / kdy
if - jestli(že) , pokud , -li
How do we pronounce
table (stůl , stolek)
1 ) ta‧ble / teɪb ə l / noun [ countable ]
2) com‧fort‧a‧ble / kʌmftəb ə l, kʌmfət- $ kʌmfərt-, kʌmft- / adjective
comfort + able (-able / əb ə l / )
so‧cia‧ble / səʊʃəb ə l/ adjective
/ əplɪkəb ə l/ adjective
wash‧a‧ble / wɒʃəb ə l / adjective
společenský , družný , přátelský (člověk)
příslušný , platný , použitelný (pro daný případ )
if something is applicable to a particular person, group, or situation, it affects them or is related to them
applicable to
The offer is only applicable to bookings for double rooms.
pratelný (látka ap.)
omyvatelný povrch (bez poškození smytelný )
weak - noun?
slabina , slabá stránka
slabost , ochablost
weakness, pl. weaknesses
The plan has strengths and weaknesses.
strong - noun?
síla fyzická ap.
silná stránka , přednost , klad
strength, pl.strengths
Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
být si vědom čeho ,
uvědomovat si (co riziko ap.)
to be aware of something / əweə/
someone who plays the piano
a pi‧a‧nist / piənəst, piənɪst / noun [ countable ]
to read and say words that are written down, so that people can hear
(pře)číst nahlas , předčítat
načíst z paměti, nosiče ap.
to read out
Why don’t you read out the name of the winner?
He read out the last few sentences to me.
if you read, laugh, say sth a _ _ _ d, you read etc so that people can hear you
nahlas , hlasitě
Joanne, would you read the poem aloud?
a large musical instrument that has a long row of black and white keys
klavír , piano
a piano
to play the piano