March Flashcards
prodejce , prodavač(ka) ( v obchodě i cestující ),
obchodní zástupce
someone whose job is selling things
sales‧per‧son / seɪlzpɜs ə n $ -pɜr- / noun ( plural salespeople / -pip ə l / ) [ countable ]
obchodní zástupce
someone who travels around, usually within a particular area, selling their company’s products
sales representative ( also sales rep ) / reprɪzentətɪv/ noun [ countable ]
dodatek (k ústavě ap.)
doplněk , novela , novelizace (zákona ap.)
oprava , vylepšení (v textu)
a small change, improvement (zlepseni), or addition that is made to a law or document, or the process of doing this
a‧mend‧ment / əmendmənt / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
constitutional amendments
amendment to
an amendment to the resolution
pozměnit , opravit , doplnit co (zákon ap. )
to correct or make small changes to something that is written or spoken
to a‧mend / əmend / verb formal
The law was amended to include women.
‘Steve stole it – or rather borrowed it,’ he amended.
— amended adjective :
an amended version
přístup , postoj (k čemu k problému ap.)
1 method [ countable ] a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
ap‧proach / əprəʊtʃ $ əproʊtʃ/
approach to
a new approach to teaching languages
to feel pity (lítost) or sympathy (soucit , soucítění , účast) for someone because something bad has happened to them or because they are in a bad situation
be/feel sorry for somebody
I’ve got no sympathy for him, but I feel sorry for his wife.
Tina was sorry for her. She seemed so lonely.
feel sorry for yourself (= feel unhappy and pity yourself )
It’s no good feeling sorry for yourself. It’s all your own fault.
uvědomit si / uvědomovat si , pochopit , chápat
to know and understand something, or suddenly begin to understand it
to rea‧lize ( also realise British English ) / rɪəlaɪz / verb [ transitive not usually in progressive ]
realize (that)
I suddenly realized that the boy was crying.
Do you realize you’re an hour late?
realize who/what/how etc
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize who you were.
It was only later that I realized my mistake. ► Do not say that you ‘realize about/of something’. Say that you realize something.
lovec (zvěře), myslivec
1 a person who hunts wild animals, or an animal that hunts other animals for food
hunt‧er / hʌntə $ -ər / noun [ countable ]
Do we ride or drive a motorcycle?
to ride a motorcycle
(z)odpovědný za
2 having a duty to be in charge of or to look after someone or something
re‧spon‧si‧ble / rɪspɒnsəb ə l, rɪspɒnsɪb ə l $ rɪspɑn- / adjective
responsible for
Mills is responsible for a budget of over $5 million.
The airline is legally responsible for the safety of its passengers.
responsible for doing something
He is responsible for recruiting and training new staff.
What are you responsible for?
What are the three forms of the verb ‘leave’?
to leave - left - left
When did you leave school?
zkušební doba před přijetím do práce
2 a period of time, during which an employer can see if a new worker is suitable
pro‧ba‧tion / prəbeɪʃ ə n $ proʊ- / noun [ uncountable ]
a three month probation period
on probation
Some people are appointed on probation.
— probationary adjective :
a probationary period
vystrašený , vyděšený , vylekaný
feeling afraid SYN scared
to be fright‧ened of something / somebody / fraɪtnd / adjective
Don’t be frightened. We’re not going to hurt you.
frightened of
I was frightened of being left by myself in the house.
frightened to do something
The boy was frightened to speak.
frightened that
a tie /tai/
tkanička (tkanice) , šňůrka (do bot ap. )
a lace /leis/