February Flashcards
fix(ka) , popisovač
felt-tip pen ( also felt-tipped pen , felt-tip British English ) noun [ countable ]
a pen that has a hard piece of felt at the end that the ink comes through
želé , rosol
jel‧ly / dʒeli / noun ( plural jellies )
žárlivý , žárlící na koho
závistivý , závidějící co/komu
to be jeal‧ous / dʒeləs / adjective
1 feeling unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had → envious
jealous of
Why are you so jealous of his success?
You’re just jealous of her.
2 feeling angry and unhappy because someone you like or love is showing interest in another person, or another person is showing interest in them :
She gets jealous if I even look at another woman.
He was talking to Nina to make me jealous.
jealous husband/wife/lover etc
marmeláda , džem
jam / dʒæm / noun
džbán(ek) , konvice
sklenička , (jedno) pivo
basa , lapák
jug / dʒʌɡ / noun [ countable ]
porota u soudu ap.
ju‧ry / dʒʊəri $ dʒʊri / noun ( plural juries ) [ countable ]
1 a group of often 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not :
the members of the jury
The jury found him not guilty.
the right to trial by jury
sit/serve on a jury (= be part of a jury )
2 a group of people chosen to judge a competition
to grow - 3 forms
to grow - grew /gru/ - grown /groun/
to blow - blew - blown (foukat , vanout , vát , dout (vítr ap. )
to throw - threw - thrown (hodit , vrhnout (co/čím )
to fly - flew - flown
like + verb+ing
when you want to say that you enjoy doing something
I like watchING TV at the weekend.
I like travelling.
I like cooking.
I like swimming.
What do you like doing in your free time?
What do your friends like doing in their free time?
Je s ním sranda.
He is fun to be with.
legrace , zábava , švanda
legrační , zábavný , komický (příběh ap. )
každý , všichni
What is the difference between
economic -
ekonomický , hospodářský
ziskový , přinášející zisk , vyplácející se
economical -
úsporný , hospodárný , ekonomický automobil ap.
šetrný , spořivý osoba
spotřeba (nafty ap.)
konzumace , požívání (jídla ap).
con‧sump‧tion / kənsʌmpʃ ə n / noun [ uncountable ]
energy/fuel etc consumption
spotřeba paliva
fuel consumption
fu‧el / fjuəl / noun
a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy :
Coal is one of the cheapest fuels.
(z)konzumovat , sníst , (vy)pít co
spotřebovat co (palivo ap. )
con‧sume / kənsjum $ -sum / verb [ transitive ]
1 to use time, energy, goods etc → consumption :
Only 27% of the paper we consume is recycled.
A smaller vehicle will consume less fuel.
vyrábět , zhotovit , zhotovovat co ve velkém, průmyslově
to man‧u‧fac‧ture / mænjəfæktʃə, mænjʊfæktʃə $ -ər / verb [ transitive ]
1 to use machines to make goods or materials, usually in large numbers or amounts :
the company that manufactured the drug
manufactured goods
výrobce ve velkém
velkovýrobce , továrník majitel továrny
a man‧u‧fac‧tur‧er
/ mænjəfæktʃ ə rə, mænjʊfæktʃ ə rə $ -ər / noun [ countable ]
( also manufacturers [ plural ] )
a company that makes large quantities of goods :
Read the manufacturer’s instructions before using your new dishwasher.
The fridge was sent back to the manufacturers.
udělám to
I will do it.
I’ll do it.
(ten) stejný , (ten)týž , shodný jako jiný
the same (as)
Are you the same as your brother or are you different?
To si snad děláš legraci!
You must be joking!
udělat / prokázat laskavost
to do somebody a favour
How often do your friends ask you to do them a favour?
jakmile, jen co, hned jak
as soon as
What is the first thing you usually do as soon as you come home?
Can you pronounce these words:
a bag
a bug
to beg
a bag / bæɡ / noun [ countable ] - sáček , pytlík , pytel papírový, igelitový ap. / taška nákupní ap.
kabela , brašna / kabelka dámská
a paper bag
a plastic bag
a garbage bag
b) a handbag :
Don’t leave your bag in the car.
II a bug / bʌɡ / noun [ countable ] hmyz , brouk štěnice otravný hmyz programová chyba moucha , vada , chybička štěnice odposlech
to beg / beɡ / verb ( begged ,begging )
(úpěnlivě) prosit , (naléhavě) žádat koho
žebrat o co
minout co
přejít , (pro)jít kolem koho/čeho
podat komu co rukou
to pass
Could you pass me the salt, please?
vycestovat do ciziny
to go/travel abroad
(za)křičet , zařvat , zavolat na koho
to shout at somebody / ʃaʊt / verb
shout at
I wish you’d stop shouting at the children.
shout for
We could hear them shouting for help .
‘Watch out!’ she shouted, as the car started to move.
shout something at somebody
He was shouting insults at the lorry driver.
shout something to somebody
‘He’s down here!’ she shouted to Alison.
uvíznutý , zaseknutý , zaklesnutý
stuck [stʌk]
to get stuck in a traffic jam
to be stuck in a traffic jam
představení , prezentace , přednesení návrhu, plánu
a presentation
to make a presentation
to give a presentation
How often do you make presentations?
v minulosti
in the past
řídit se pravidly, dodržovat pravidla
abide by the rules (to accept and obey)
follow the rules
conform to the rules
to obey the rules
poslouchat , (u)poslechnout koho/co
řídit se čím
dodržovat co pravidla ap.
to obey somebody / something
What kinds of chocolate do you like?
zůstat (dlouho) vzhůru
to stay up (late)
How often do you stay up late?
When was the last time you stayed up all night?
child‧hood W3 / tʃaɪldhʊd / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
I had a very happy childhood.
in/during/since (sb’s) childhood
Most infections occur in childhood.
childhood home/friend/experience etc (= a home etc that you had when you were a child )
childhood memories (= the memories you have of your childhood ) → second childhood
d‧ult‧hood / ædʌlthʊd, ədʌlt- / noun [ uncountable ]
the time when you are an adult OPP childhood
Make yes/no question and ‘what’ question to this sentence:
I have dreams about my childhood.
Do you have dreams about your childhood?
What do you have dreams about?
What is the difference between these two words:
quite / kwaɪt / adverb
1 especially American English very, but not extremely
The food in the cafeteria is usually quite good.
Amy’s at college, and she’s doing quite well.
He’s quite a good soccer player.
zcela , úplně , naprosto
2 especially British English fairly, or to a small extent, but not very :
The film was quite good, but the book was much better.
quite like/enjoy
I quite like Chinese food.
docela , celkem , vcelku
I quite liked it. → Celkem se mi to líbilo.
qui‧et / kwaɪət / adjective ( comparative quieter , superlative quietest )
We’ll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.
It’s a nice car. The engine’s really quiet.
I’ll be as quiet as a mouse (= very quiet ) .
Be quiet. → Buď(te) potichu.
go/fall quiet → ztichnout, zmlknout
(po)klidný , nerušený
jídlo , pokrm
meal / mil / noun
1 [ countable ] an occasion when you eat food, for example breakfast or dinner, or the food that you eat on that occasion :
We must have a meal together some time.
Dinner is the main meal of the day for most people.
Enjoy your meal! → Dobrou chuť!, Nechte si chutnat!
go out for a meal → jít se najíst (do restaurace ap.)
three-course meal → jídlo o třech chodech
maso upravené
meat / mit / noun
1 [ uncountable and countable ] the flesh of animals and birds eaten as food :
I gave up eating meat a few months ago.
raw meat
a selection of cold meats
red meat (= a dark-coloured meat, for example beef )
white meat (= meat that is pale in colour, for example chicken )
Do you eat meat?
How often do you eat meat?
mateřské znamínko
krtek (podstatné jméno )
a mole / məʊl $ moʊl / noun [ countable ]
1 a small dark furry animal which is almost blind. Moles usually live under the ground.
2 a small dark brown mark on the skin that is slightly higher than the skin around it
3 someone who works for an organization while secretly giving information to its enemies
sth from sth (form.) vyjmout , vytáhnout co odkud
sth from sth odstranit co z čeho
vyčistit (skvrnu ap.)
sb from sth odvolat , sesadit , svrhnout koho odkud (z funkce ap.)
to re‧move / rɪmuv / verb [ transitive ]
1 to take something away from, out of, or off the place where it is :
Remove the old wallpaper and fill any holes in the walls.
remove something from something
2 to get rid of (zbavit se) something so that it does not exist any longer :
a cleaner that will remove wine stains
3 to force someone out of an important position or dismiss them from a job
remove somebody from something
Congress could remove the President from office.
estetický (kvalita ap.)
esteticky založený (člověk)
aes‧thet‧ic, esthetic / isθetɪk, es- $ es- / adjective
connected with beauty and the study of beauty :
From an esthetic point of view, it’s a nice design.
a work of great aesthetic appeal
sth zranit (si) , poranit (si) co
(z)ranit koho
ublížit komu
sb dotknout se , ranit koho (psychicky)
urazit koho
to hurt - hurt - hurt / hɜt $ hɜrt / verb
1 to injure (poranit , zranit) yourself or someone else :
Was anyone hurt in the accident?
Put that thing down – you might hurt someone with it.
hurt your arm/leg/nose etc
He hurt his knee playing football.
hurt yourself
Be careful you don’t fall and hurt yourself.
2 to feel pain (bolest) in part of your body:
My back hurts.
Where does it hurt?
It hurts when I try to move my leg.
heart / hɑt $ hɑrt / noun
1 the organ in your chest which pumps blood through your body :
Regular exercise is good for the heart.
Can you hear my heart beating ?
His breathing and heart rate were now normal.
bolest (často ve spojeních)
ache /eik/
have a headache (bolest / bolení hlavy , bolehlav ),
have (a) backache (bolest v zádech ),
have (a) stomach ache (bolení břicha , bolest žaludku),
have (a) toothache (bolest / bolení zubu / zubů )
to have (an) earache [ˈɪərˌeɪk] (bolest v uchu , bolení ucha,otalgie)
bolest / bolení hlavy , bolehlav
to have a headache
bolest v zádech
to have (a) backache
bolení břicha , bolest žaludku
to have (a) stomach ache
bolest / bolení zubu / zubů
to have (a) toothache
bolest v uchu , bolení ucha,otalgie
to have (an) earache [ˈɪərˌeɪk]
pain / peɪn / noun
1 [ uncountable and countable ] the feeling you have when part of your body hurts :
The pain is getting worse.
pain in
She felt a sharp pain in her leg.
Greg was in a lot of pain .
(na)místo koho/čeho
in‧stead / ɪnsted / adverb
1 instead of somebody/something
used to say what is not used, does not happen etc, when something else is used, happens etc :
You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.
Could I have tuna instead of ham?
Could you translate this sentence into the Czech language, please?
You hurt me.
Ublížil jsi mi.
(vy)léčit (se) , (za)hojit (se) , uzdravit (se) (zranění, zlomenina)
to heal / hil / verb [ intransitive and transitive ]
1 ( also heal up ) if a wound (zranění , rána , poranění hl. způsobené zbraní ) or a broken bone heals or is healed, the flesh, skin, or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again :
It took three months for my arm to heal properly.
What is special about the verb “to arrive”?
to arrive at something
to arrive in something
to arrive home
NOT to arrive to something
For example:
We arrived at the airport.
We arrived in Paris.
We arrived home.
kachlička , kachlík , dlaždička , dlaždice , obkládačka
a tile / taɪl / noun
1 [ countable ] a flat square piece of baked clay or other material, used for covering walls, floors etc :
bathroom tiles
sth vykachličkovat , vydláždit , obložit (kachličkami ap.) co
to tile something
to cover a roof, floor etc with tiles
— tiled adjective :
a tiled floor
What is special about the verb ‘to want’?
To want + to + Verb
I want to sleep.
He wants to play.
We want to dance.
jít si zaběhat
to go for a run
jít na procházku
to go for a walk
jít na šálek kávy
to go for a cup of coffee
jít na pivo
to go for a beer
What are the present and past forms of the verb ‘to be’ (být)
I am he is she is it is we are you are they are
I was he was she was it was we were you were they were
Make yes/no and ‘when’ questions to the following sentence.
They were born in the 1950s.
Were they born in the 1950s?
When were they born?
How do we say the date ‘01.04.’?
the first of April.
I was born on the first of April.
palačinka , lívanec
a pancake
(sladké) pečivo , cukroví
pas‧try / peɪstri / noun ( plural pastries )
bulka , (sladký) bochánek obvykle s rozinkami ap.
buchtička , koláček s polevou
a bun / bʌn / noun [ countable ]
kakao prášek, nápoj
co‧coa / kəʊkəʊ $ koʊkoʊ / noun [ uncountable ]
a cup of cocoa
jít na výlet
to go on a trip
služební cesta
a business trip
What are the 3 forms of the verb ‘to run’?
to run - ran - run
to drink - drank - drunk to sing - sang - sung to swim - swam - swum to begin - began - begun to ring - rang - rung
What are the 3 forms of the verb ‘to drink’?
to drink - drank - drunk
What are the 3 forms of the verb ‘to sing’?
to sing - sang - sung
What are the 3 forms of the verb ‘to swim’?
to swim - swam - swum
What are the 3 forms of the verb ‘to begin’?
to begin - began - begun
What are the 3 forms of the verb ‘to ring’?
to ring - rang - rung
řada , série , sled čeho událostí ap.
seriál , série pořadů
se‧ries / sɪəriz $ sɪr- / noun ( plural series ) [ countable usually singular ]
1 series of something several events or actions of a similar type that happen one after the other :
the series of events that led to the outbreak of war
The police are investigating a series of attacks in the area.
There’s been a whole series of accidents on this road.
3 a set of television or radio programmes that have the same characters or deal with the same type of subject, and are usually broadcast every week or several times a week :
a new comedy series
What is the most important rule in the English language?
Subject + Verb
We always have a subject (podmět ve větě) and a verb (sloveso) in a sentence.
trasa (dopravní ap.)
a route / rut $ rut, raʊt / noun [ countable ]
1 a way from one place to another
route to/from
What’s the best route to Cambridge?
take/follow a route (= use a route )
trade route → obchodní cesta
escape route → úniková cesta (z obležení ap.)
cycle route → cyklotrasa
(voj.) column of route → pochodový útvar, pochodová formace
air route → letecká trasa
dělat sporty
to do sports